Chrismas Tree Accident - Louis

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Harry's pov

''Louis! Be carefull, it's glass!'' I scolded at Louis. We were setting up the christmas tree and decorating it. Louis is a bit careless with the ornaments and christmasballs. Even with setting the christmas tree in the livingroom, he broke a branch.

''I'm sorry!'' He apologized.

''Just be carefull.'' I kissed his cheek.

''I'm trying. Now, where are the blue garlands?'' He asked.

''In that box over there.'' I said, pointing to the box with the red lit, across the room.

''Thanks.'' He walked over to it and took the blue garland out. He started wrapping it around the tree, while I decorated the fireplace with lights and other stuff.

After a while, I was done and looked behind me to look at Louis, I saw him still being busy with the blue garland. 

''Is it pretty?'' Louis asked as he turned to me.

''It's amazing, babe.'' He said and kissed him. ''Gonna help me cooking?'' I asked him.

''Yeah, sure.'' He said and we walked the kitchen, at least tried...

When I was almost at the kitchen entrance, I heard a loud noice behind me and a painfull groan. I turned around and gasped.

There lay Louis, with the tree on top of him, and glass all around him. I quickly ran to him and pulled the tree up, after that, I helped Louis up. He had blood dripping his right hand. He held it with his left hand. I gently took the wounded hand and inspected it. It was a deep cut with still a bit glass in it.

''Are you okay? Does it hurt?'' I asked worried.

''Haz, calm down, it only stings a bit.'' Louis said assuring, but I knew him better. When I looked at him, I saw his pained expression. I inspected the hand further and sighed.

''We should go to the doctor, it's doesn't look really good, it's a deep cut.'' I said.

''Okay.'' He luckily agreed. We walked to the hallway and put in our coats, I helped Louis. Before we went, I quickly got a cloth to wrap it around the cut, for now.

''Thanks love.'' Louis kissed my cheek and I blushed. I held the door open for him, as well as the car door. He got in the passengers seat, while I got on the drivers seat.

We drove to the doctor, and soon arrived. I made a appointment and we waited in the waitingroom.

We only needed to wait for 5 minutes, when a doctor called.

''Tomlinson?'' The doctor said.

''Yes, that's us.'' Louis said. We followed the doctor to his office.

When we got there, we said down and the doctor asked some things, before taking care of Louis' hand.

He treated it with love and wrapped it up. He gave Louis some medicine, to let it heal quicker.

When we got in the car again, is asked, ''Shall we just take some Mc Donald's?''

''Yeah sure.'' Louis agreed.

We drove to the Mc Donald's and ordered food. We ate in the the car at the parking lot, while listening to music. Even Live while we're young came on.

''Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'till we see the sun, I know we only met, but let's pretend it's love. And never, never, never stop for anyone. Tonight, let's get some, and live while we're young!'' We both sang.

After we were done eating, we drove back home. When we got in, I made Louis sit on the couch, while I cleaned up the mess.

''You sure you don't need help?'' Louis asked?

''Lou, no. I'm good.'' I reassured.

''Okay...'' He sighed, I know he hated it when he couldn't help or when I didn't let him. He always said I already do so much, but that isn't really true.

''I think we should buy new ornaments tomorrow.'' I said.

''Yeah, you're right.'' Louis chuckled.

''How did it happen anyways?'' I asked.

''Well, my belt got stuck with the garland, so when I took a step, the tree fell.'' He explained.

I laughed. ''Next time, check if you got stuck.''

''Funny Harry.'' He laughed.

After I was done cleaning, we decided to watch a christmas movie, we chose for The Grinch. We cuddled, under warm blankets and fell asleep on the couch, like that.


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