Blinding light was the first thing Xander noticed. How long had they been fucking for? God what time even it is? He blinked his eyes and when he adjusted for the brightness, he was blown over.

The lake was wide enough for him to swim around and small enough to be covered by tree lines. The water was as clear as the sky. The pebbles under them were visible to his eyes. Trees surrounded all of the sides. Squirrels and birds were munching on them. His pointed ears picked up distant ruffling. Both him and Azriel turned around to see a stag with majestic antlers gazing at them.

Azriel looked at Xander. He was grinning from ear to ear. Cauldron kill him, Xander looked radiant while he was smiling. He could see his smile all day and long and never get tired of it. His shadows were circling both of them and covering their nudity as Xander enjoyed the view in front of him. Not only him but also his shadows were very possessive.

"Let's bath, shall we?" Xander asked Azriel as the stag turned away from him. Xander's eyes drifted to the lake and then back to Azriel constantly.
Azriel hooked his finger under Xander's chin and tilted his head up. Azriel pressed his lips to Xander's and moved them slowly.
"It's going to be alright. I will be there with you," Azriel told him as he caressed his sides. Xander nodded his head and tried to smile a bit.
Xander turned towards the lake and took step after step until he reached the water. He could feel Azriel's wings tucking him closer to his sides.
I am safe.
I am safe.
I am safe.
Xander changed in his head as he sunk into the water till his shoulders were covered. The water was at perfect temperature. It soothed his aching muscles due to the previous activities.

His heart sped up as the panic started to set in. His hands shook under the water causing ripples to create all throughout the surface. Azriel was at his side in an instant. Azriel's hands covered his own hands and hugged his chest. Xander leaned into Azriel's chest and closed his eyes.
I am safe.
I am safe.
I am safe.
Yes you are.

Azriel's voice was heard down the bond as clear as a day. Xander smiled as the panic slowly subdued. He turned around in Azriel's arms and hooked his hand behind Azriel's neck. His hands slowly caressed his nape and inched downward.

"My beautiful, handsome mate," Azriel said as he kissed Xander's nose. Xander smiled.

"I think mother favours me, minx," Azriel said as he lathered Xander's hair with the shampoo. "Why do you think that shadow singer?" Xander asked. He was rubbing Azriel's chest where the Illyrian tattoos looked like they were swirling around. "Because she gave you as my mate," Azriel's eyes met Xander's. "It's worth it. It's all worth it. If burning my hands were the only way to get to you Xander, I will gladly lit them on fire myself," Azriel admitted. Xander's eyes shone with unshed tears at Azriel's words. He leaned into his chest hugged him. He didn't know what to reply to those words. He didn't have enough words to put it in.

Xander and Azriel were just sitting in the water after washing themselves off the sex and sweat. Azriel was laying on Xander's chest. Xander was playing with Azriel's hair. When his left hand brushed against Azriel's wing.
"Fuck," Azriel hissed.
"Did it hurt?" Xander asked him afraid that he might have hurt Azriel. Azriel shook his head as he stood up in the knee high water.
"It does not hurt. It does this to me," Azriel pointed to his painful erection.
"Oh. Well then we better take of it shadow singer," Xander grinned wickedly as he pulled Azriel down and climbed onto his lap.
"We.....came here...... to take rest minx,"  Azriel said in between moans. Xander's cold fingers were gripping his cock like vice and pumping him. "This is me resting shadow singer," Xander said and sinked onto Azriel's length in one go. After all the ministrations Xander didn't have any trouble taking Azriel fully.

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