15| South Korea

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Pretty Pink lips, caramel coloured hair, styled perfectly on a wolf cut with brown orbs which is Curiously staring at her face with the same expression as her

The man was wearing a white button up shirt, with the first 2 buttons opened and brown pants which matches with his hair colour aswell as his orbs

She soon realised that she still haven't completely gotten inside the car and on a quick motion she did it

Awkward tension surrounding them

"Let's go" The ethereal man infront of her told this to his driver

Y/n was on an awe, his voice is fucking good

"Hi" Taehyung greeted his daughter

"H- h..ehum Hello" she slightly bowed her head awkwardly, intentionally avoiding his eyes

She somehow still don't have the courage to look at him

"Are you hungry" he asked in concern

"Uhmm a Little" she said in a low voice while looking at her lap still avoiding his eyes and showed an action with her index and thumb.
That damn meal from the Plane definitely didn't do its job to satisfy her hunger

Taehyung chuckled a bit at her action and showed a huge plastic bag which is full of snacks straight to her lap

He brought them on his way to the airport,Man was totally concerned on whether if his daughter have eaten or not

Since he had no idea on her likes and dislikes on food, he decided to buy most of the snacks on the grocery store

Y/n awkwardly stared at the bag and licked her lips, all ready to eat,but-
Isn't she supposed to say a Thankyou?
She thought to herself on whether to thank him or not but everytime she try to open her mouth, it automatically kept closing

Her body is kind of shivering a little,
"Uhm.. Thankyou?" That went more as a question

Having no idea on how to reply, Taehyung did a "hmm" as he chewed on his lips, thinking on why his daughter is hesitating to open a snack

His daughter was infact on a same kind situation as he is, she suddenly felt as if she's hallucinating things, this is just a dream, Taehyung is not her father and to make sure, she sort of pinched herself and an "ouch" came out of her mouth, unintentionally definitely.

"Uh why aren't you eating?"

She heard a deep voice and that made her get out of her train of thoughts

"Ohh yeah" she immediately grabbed a packet from it and opened it, without checking on what it is she threw some of that to her mouth, Since luck was definitely not on her side, the snack which she chose was the spiciest among them and soon it hitted her

"Oww oww, it's spicy, it's spicy, water water!" she shouted, entirely forgetting the fact that she's actually sitting beside her idol

Taehyung was frightened to say the least, he had his eyes all wide and he immediately came into action when he realised that she's asking for water

He quickly took a water bottle, opened the lid and gave that to his daughter

Y/n is entirely panicking, her tongue definitely burning as she couldn't stand the spiciness, she took, more like snatched the water bottle from his hands and drank it

"Damn finally" she sighed and covered her face in relaxation, but once again panicked as the realisation hitted her

She awkwardly peaked one eye through her hands inorder to look towards Taehyung's direction

Man was trying so hard to not laugh out and embarrass her evenmore, as he had his both hands covering his mouth, giggling and trying his best to control it in

The driver's chuckle is all it took, for him to laugh out

"Ohh g-God hahaha" he laughed as he tried to catch his breath, and turned his eyes towards Y/n to catch her peaking at him with pink cheeks, definitely embarassed

"Lmao y/niee, are you okay?" He tilted his head a little and asked in between his laughs

Y/n was definitely embarassed but at the same flustered, he just called her by her name, that too by her nickname

"I'm- I'm okay" she said and she took her hands off her face, gaining some courage as she motivated herself and tried to remove the embarassing tension in, Why is there a need to be embarassed anyway? She just asked him for water right?

That definitely took Taehyung off-guard "Damn, why is she suddenly confident?" He thought to himself

"Alright okay, eat up then" he shrugged his shoulders and opened another bottle for himself and drank from it, smiling a little at the memory of Y/n's face in panick

Y/n is hungry ofcourse, but she made sure that she took a good snack and definitely not the spicy one

"Do you have any Boyfriend?" Taehyung asked his daughter, ofcourse he definitely want to know that his daughter is seeing someone or not and if she's dating someone, he surely have to be aware of her boyfriend's surroundings and his family and definitely will check whether her boyfriend is a good match for his daughter or not

But to someone who have never dated any guy in her life, the question was definitely a surprising as she chocked on her snacks

Taehyung on an immediate reflex, softly hitted his daughter on her head

"I'm okay, I'm okay" y/n said as she opened her hands as a sign

"So do you?" He once again softly asked

"Uhmm, No, I'm not dating any"

Something inside Taehyung is now relieved, eventhough it's fine with him if she's dating someone or not, but at the same time, he don't want her to be in a relationship, he is not so fond of the idea of her being on a relationship

"That's good" he nodded his head as response

"We are close to reach dorm" Taehyung said as he stared at her daughter

"Ohh really?" Y/n asked and turned her eyes from the snacks which she's eating and looked through the window, definitely with a focused expression

Taehyung hummed as he fondly stared at his daughter,eyes glistening, his daughter is with him and is never leaving him anymore

Y/n was too focused on the scenery to notice that, and was munching on the snack ofcourse

Taehyung took a note, that this particular snack might be his daughter's favourite

He Want to know about her likes and dislikes, her favourite stuffs, her favourite people and many more, Infact he have alot to know about her

And this is just the beginning.

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