10| Letter

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Y/n's parents recieved a direct inbox message from bighit, welp it was actually Taehyung himself who wrote it

"Iam sorry that I haven't written this letter before.It has taken me fifteen years to know the truth. I have no idea on how to thank you for treating my child as your own, I have started it so many times in my head, on how to thank you, but was afraid that you would think it presumptuous or disrespectful of me to write to you. It does seem strange writing to someone I have never met, but part of me feels that I know you so very, very well.

I understood about your story and details last day, I knew the contents would be difficult. I never anticipated how important these details would be to us or how indelibly etched on My memories they would become. Yours was a story so far removed from our own that it took every ounce of imagination to understand what you must have gone through.

There was never any doubt. After knowing the truth, all I had in my mind is was an overwhelming desire to protect my daughter, to give her the love and care she deserved.

I hope the fact that I call her "My daughter" does not offend you.

I know the road ahead for me may not be easy, but when I think about you I'm grateful on the fact that you were willing to open your home to a stranger's baby.

I wish I could be a good father to my daughter, and so I want her to live with me

Iam too grateful for the fact that you took care of her for all these years, but that isn't it, I also have this will to take care of her for the rest of her life and yes only if she wants to live with me

I don't wanna force her to come to me and be a father who is evenmore hated by her

I want her to love me, I want her to reffer to me as father, I want to live with her and watch the years as she grows up from being a teenager, to an adult and over and over, till my last breath, I want her to be with me

If she isn't willing to come and live with me, please try to talk to her and convince her to do so, i know that I might sound demanding, but infact I'm desperate

Cant a father be desperate to get his child back?

I can say it over and over again, I'm very grateful, more grateful than what you could imagine

If you could agree with this, please write a letter back and I will proceed with the rest of formalities

Please understand my feelings, and I do expect a positive response from your side

Thankyou for taking care of her
Thankyou for loving her

But Now, it's my turn to do the same


They silently read with hardness on their hearts, They don't want to let her go, but at the same time, they aren't heartless to do so, A Parent who lost their child would only know the pain of another parent who lost their child aswell

They made their mind, whatever it takes, they are gonna let y/n go

When they think about her, all they could remember was how y/n looked, when they received her from the adoption centre

The small fragile baby who was covered in soft pink towel, who stared at their face while having tiny yet curious eyes, they did notice that one of the baby's eyelid was monolid and the other one was double eyelid and also with a tiny mole on her nose

They still remember, the day when she first called them as "dada" and "mama" that was the most happiest day of their life

Considering the fact that their first child died infront of their own eyes, it was an accident, they didn't see when their child ran behind a ball and was met with a truck coming at High speed

The only thing they could do was to just stand there and watch the unforseen happening infront of them

Both of them went on a depression for years and the doctors report which revealed an other heartbreaking news, that she won't be able to give birth anymore was another despair to their collection of despairness on their life

Their life was all changed when the doctor suggested to try for adoption instead

Y/n was the light to their dark filled lives, she made them have a reason to still be Alive and to overcome the difficulties on their lives

She made them live, she's the reason why they survived

Now their little starlight is going back to where she belongs

They have overcame all of the unforseens on their life, and they hope that they could also survive through this aswell

They decided to write a letter back to the gmail, yes they are gonna let him have his daughter back

They loves y/n as much as they loved their first child

I guess they would find another light to their life

Oops did I forget to mention that Grace lives in an orphanage?

My Dad?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon