6| Adopted or not

889 26 0

The Sun came up, birds chirping on a peaceful morning with the fresh air radiating from the atmosphere, A too comfortable surrounding for someone to wake up from their comfort sleep or to even get woken up by someone else, Yes a Peaceful Sunday Morning With no school

Heaven, Simply The Feeling

A sudden alert from an alarm could be heard, Someone shook awake from her slumber, yes that's none other than y/n herself

"Ughhh, what a way to start a peaceful day" Y/n whined while offing the Alarm and pulled her blanket back to her face inorder to cover herself from the sunlight which is radiating through the blinders

"My sleep is now ruined" she kept on rolling around the bed, internally crying

"Ugh whatever" she pulled her phone which was charging from the nightstand beside her bed

"When the hell did my phone turn off" being confused she stared at it but nonetheless shrugged it and proceeded to switch on her phone

It took a while, but the moment her phone turned on, it started flooding up with texts, notification and whatsoever

"Dhoosh" Someone barged into her room, yes that's grace


"Bro what?"

"You're Taehyung's Daughter?"

"Did ya lost your mind by following your Lil crush everywhere or something? If you may excuse please get the fuck out of my room, I wanna sleep" y/n blabbered while trying to push grace away from her room

"Bitch Look at this!" Grace raised her phone towards y/n's face

"Brahh, I've told you like plenty Times already to not beleive any local news channels around, they be doing shits for clout and stuff

"Broo open your eyes, This is DISPATCH" Grace knocked y/n on her head

"Yoooo whaaaatt?!" Y/n took the phone from Grace's hand and started scrolling it

"If I'm his daughter then who the hell are my parents?" Being shocked would be an understatement, it was beyond that

"What the hell" y/n kept on rubbing her eyes while opening every news channels and yes even the video of the Press meet

She ran to her mom with the phone on her hand "Mom Look at this!"

"What's that" her mother wiped her wet hands on the kitchen tissue beneath and wore her spects inorder to check what y/n is showing to her


"Ohh what?" y/n curiously looked at her mom's face

"Y/n, I guess it's the time for you to know the tru-"

"Don't tell me some cliche stories as if I'm adopted or something, cuz you always do" y/n laughed it out, it's sort of an habit for her mom to tease her whenever she gets a chance to

"Y/n, listen" her mother calmly said, pausing for a while and proceeded "I'm not playing prank at you nor joking around"

"Good morning" a deep voice could be heard and it's none another than y/n's dad "What's the matter early in the morning "



Y/n's Mother straightly went to her dad and dragged him by his hands, they went to their room and closed the door

Y/n's Mother started sniffling "I've told you right at the moment when you were adopting a child from korea; I knew it would end up like this, see the current situation! She found it out"

"What are you talking about, calm down please" Y/n's dad proceeded with patting her mom on the shoulder

"Y/n" sniffles could be heard

"What about her?"

"She found it out"

"What you mean?"

"She found it out that she isn't our biological child!" Y/n's mom took her phone, in a quick motion she typed something and flashed the screen straight at her husband's face

"I guess, this is her real Dad"

Y/n's dad took the phone from her hand "ohh" it was meant to happen anyway

"Honey listen, eventhough we never told her about this, it was meant to happen you know, she should know the truth cuz yes she has the right to know" he hugged his wife

"It's okay, let it out, she was meant to find her real parents anyway, she's a grown up, she can take care of herself, don't worry about it hmm?" He tried to be strong eventhough deep inside him, he knows, he could never accept the fact that his daughter would be away from him, the same one whom he took care of as his own for 15 years

Both of them got out of the room, he hugged his wife close to his chest, they walked towards the living room, to see y/n watching a news channel along with Grace beside her


"Yeah dad?"

"We gotta tell you something"


"Taehyungaah, you okay?" Jin gave some water to drink for the younger

"I guess I am" he gulped the entire bottle of water in one go

"What are we supposed to do now?" Taehyung asked Namjoon

"Well, if you are sure on the fact that the one you saw on your dream is your daughter, we should prolly take a DNA test before confirming on whether if it is true or not" Namjoon is the leader for a reason

"Ohh yeah, I agree with Namjoon aswell" The oldest told his opinion

"DNA Test, it is it then"

My Dad?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora