11| Thoughts

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"hyung, wake up!" Jungkook shook Taehyung by his shoulder firmly, calling out the olders name

"Hmm?" He sleepily uttered, while still having his eyes shut

"You received a message back from
y/n's parents!" The younger exclaimed And on a swift move, Taehyung was up, his sleep entirely disappeared

"And guess what?" Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows inorder to tease his hyung

"Just tell me already!" The latter eagerly uttered while hitting jungkook's head

"They are gonna sent y/n here! Aaaaahhh" he screamed

Taehyung did expect this but he's still surprised, his visions started getting blurry and before he knows, he was crying

He is happy, He's finally getting his daughter back!

"Awwhh" Jungkook cooed as he hugged his hyung
While Taehyung tugged on the younger's clothes tightly as he buried his face to the warm chest

Jungkook held him close as they sat on the bed while whispering with "you got her back and now the only thing you have to do is to start everything from where it began"

Taehyung nodded at that


The procedures indeed went fast, They signed the papers and now Y/n is legally and officially Taehyung's Daughter

It was all a blur for y/n, not so long ago she was cheering for him as a fangirl, and now he is her own dad.

The family with whom she lived all her life turned out to be her foster parents and not the biological ones.

And now she's gonna leave them,
She's gonna leave the country where she spent her fifteen years and to a country which was just a dream for
Her to visit someday, and now she's officially a citizen of that country.
It is a bit too much for a fifteen year old like y/n to digest

She've never thought that she could live on a country like South Korea or moreover even visit there

But now she's going there, going to meet her dad who'se actually her bias
And moreover live with him, or wait naah, she isn't just going to live with her "dad" she's gonna live with all the other 6 members, hopefully they are all going to be her uncle by now

Yes, you guessed it right, she's gonna live in the "Bangtan House"

With 6 damn handsome uncles.
She gulped at that thought

All her life, she have never shipped any BTS members with each other

But she do have read alot of fanfictions which was written by the shippers

And maybe, just a little, she hopes for that to be an actual truth

Namjin? Yess
Yoonmin? Yess
Sope? Yess

To be honest she don't care on how the ship is going to be

She just hopes for any of them to be together with atleast a member

And about Taekook,
Just like most of the fans, she've also found them cute together

But, back then he was just an idol for her, now he's her dad, so she have no idea on whether to support him or not, if the ship ends out being real.
She gotta think about it

They aren't going to be together anyway

Or are they?

My Dad?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang