The blonde ignored her words and instead gave Stefan a pointed look and said, "Your boyfriend like me once. Actually, a lot more than once." A smirk appeared on her face as anger became evident on Elena's.

"Why are you still in town, Rebekah? Don't you have anywhere else to go?" The Salvatore questioned.

"Well, history's my favorite class. Actually, where is Mr. Saltzman...? Oh, that's right, I killed him."

"That's really not funny," Beth stated, but her friend was already one step ahead.

Elena grew furious and threw her wooden pencil at Rebekah. Without any effort, the blonde caught the pencil and threw it right back at the doppelganger impaling her. Elena winced as she pulled the pencil out from her shoulder. The two vampires glared at each other before Stefan ushered his girlfriend away.

Rebekah then turned to look at the strawberry blonde, "You are still coming to my party, right?"

"Depends. Will you be making jokes about killing Ric there?"

"Just for you, I won't. So don't be boring," she said before she walked off with another student. She seemingly compelled her and walked off into the hall.

Beth decided to mind her business and stay in class. It wasn't long before Rebekah made her way back, but Elena never did. After class was over, Beth found her friends outside at a table.

"It was a valiant first day effort. No one will judge you if you want to go home," Caroline said to Elena.

"I don't want to go home. I want to take the white oak stake and kill her. That's how mad I am. She made me murderous!"

"Okay. I missed something. What happened?" Beth questioned.

"She tried to get me to feed from Heather! She did it knowing there's the hunter here. She's psychotic and I want to kill her!" Elena yelled.

"How about we leave the murdering to Damon?" Stefan intervened as he stood from his seat to stand by her.

"And-and do what? Ignore her to death?"

"Look, she's trying to make herself feel better. She knows that everybody hates her, so she's trying to hate harder. Tell you what, let's just skip the rest of the day. Go have some fun. I feel like this day is severely lacking in fun."

Elena reluctantly nodded after a reassuring smile from Beth and Caroline.

"Yeah, okay. Fine. Then, we'll go to her party and show her that she can't intimidate me. I just have to go home and change first," she said before she waved to her friends and walked off.

Before Stefan followed suit, he looked over at Caroline, who asked, "Does she seem a little off balance to you?"

"Definitely, but who can blame her?" Beth sighed.

"Yeah, she's channeling all her emotions into rage. It makes her feel like she has purpose. I used to do that too when I was... you know."

"Ripper you," Caroline stated.

"Yeah. She needs to come to terms with it, confront it, let it in, before she can let it go."

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