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Liam POV

I caught Miya before her head could hit the floor. She had cuts everywhere she had stood close to the windows when they shattered. I was mad my blood boiling no one hurt family and gets away with it.

Then there was Evelyn those bastards had killed her in our house this meant war, and they knew this that was exactly what the Italians had wanted for years and now they had achieved it. Killling a mafia leader's wife inside his own home well that says enough.

My brothers assigned me to take care Miya as they stood beside our father. We had already called our doctors to take a look at our men and to pull out the glass that cut through Miya's skin. How were we going to explain this to her? of course only the truth would make sense no other story could explain what she had just seen.

I laid Miya on her bed and left the room, when the doctor entered giving space. Sometimes me looking at people could make them nervous so it's best I wasn't there when the glass was being pulled out.

Standing just outside the door of Miya's room Zack approached "hei how is she" Niko was suddenly there as well "is she alright, is she hurt?" I looked at them and shook my head "no she fainted and has some cuts but other than that she should be alright"

"We have to tell her the truth" It was Xander we now all stood just outside her door we all nodded, and knew that she had the right to know the truth.

"guys have we called Jace we need to tell him" of course Niko was right but who was going to tell him?
I think Zack saw how we all just chickened out "i'll do it after all I am the eldest" , Zack then left to his office. Sadly though Zack never had the chance to prepare Jace before we heard his scream it wasn't sadness no he was angry
"WHO THE HELL DID THIS," he roared  "WHO!" "TELL ME" " I am going to kill those bastards" " I am going to end them".

His roars filled the house, and we all ran down to the entrance, there we saw Jace kneeled beside his mother after he was no longer shouting, now he was crying.

Putting my hand on his shoulder I hope that he knows that we're there for him. The pain of seeing your mother laying dead on the floor in a pool of her own blood, I can't imagine how that must be.

"Jace we'll find them and end them, I promise you". Jace didn't answer.


I had been in Miya's room for hours now waiting for her to wake up. I had used my time to think about how to tell the truth. Our dad would be the one to tell her, what we are and who we are. It was going to be a tough conversation for all of us.

"hei", I heard a faint whisper from Miya while she slowly opened her eyes.
"Hei to you too how are you feeling?",
"like crap, what the hell happened?
"Miya I promise we'll tell you everything but right now you have to rest, dad will tell you everything tommorow".

After a short pause Miya's face was filled with worry,

"Is Evelyn okay? I just remember seeing her laying on the floor when the explosion happened"
"She didn't make it"
With those words I myself realized how extremely sad I was. Evelyn wasn't my mother but she had always been there if I need motherly advice or just someone to talk with about life and now she was gone.

"Liam it's okay to show emotions, crying and being sad is okay, loosing mom I wasn't myself again for months".
I simply nodded "thanks Miya"
She gave a faint smile and I could see how tired she was.
"You sleep now Miya and we'll talk again tommorow about everything"
"I know Liam and I will make sure cause you guys got a hell lot to explain"

"Liam just before you leave, does Jace and Ava know what happened to their mom?"
"Jace does Ava doesn't"
"You have to tell her soon"
"We know"

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