Chapter 3

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"You Holly Alley idiots!"

I got startled out of my thoughts of hunting with the yelling of the cats from Thunder alley, the alley across from ours. A grey tabby suddenly leaped onto the first cat, an elder named Eagle who screeched in pain, fighting to get the strong male off of him.

The battle exploded in the alley, cats young and old fighting for a reason I don't understand. Just then a Thunder alley cat with an ugly scar leaped on Mole and cut his throat. I rush over to help him by fighting the cat, repeatedly slashing my claws on his face.

"TAKE THAT!" I shrieked.

The cat finally stumbled back and rushed out of the alley. The rest of the clan followed the large muscular male cat out of the small alleyway leaving our wounded cats sprawled on the ground.

I rushed back to Mole as the others checked on their own.

He was barely breathing, his breaths only small whispers. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, pawing him. 

He groans, but opens his eyes. I quickly press my paws against his wound. 

Luckily it wasn't too deep, but it had given me a scare.

The rest of the group was checking the others for their injuries.

That night, Even though everything seemed back to normal, I could sense something different about Mole.

"Moss, could I talk to you in private?" he said quietly, finishing off his catch. My heart beat fast, and I couldn't find words for a moment.

"Uh, yeah! Sure."

Something was definitely up, he looked nervous. I barely ever saw that expression on him, even though I knew him for years. I got to my feet and he led me over to the far corner, away from the voices of the other cats who barely seemed to notice us leave.

I sat down across from him, waiting for him to speak. He was looking at the ground and scuffing his paw on the dirt. Was he sad? Maybe the wound still hurts. I hoped against hope that maybe, just maybe he felt the same way about me as I did about him... I blinked, and immediately crushed the thought.

Mole took a deep breath.

"Moss, you've been a really good friend for a couple years now, but, well, if you're comfortable with it I... uh, I'd like to be more than that."

I smiled, not believing my ears, and he tensed a bit.

"I mean, only if you want to, I guess..." he said, averting his gaze.

"Of course I feel the same way Mole...."

I said softly walking towards him, enjoying the moment. I don't think I've ever been this happy in years.

The other cats were starting to stare, but this one time it didn't matter. It was our moment.

Mine and Moles, no one elses.

I nuzzle his cheek. He looked up, surprised and startled out of his thoughts by my sudden movement, but looked happy too.

"I've wanted to talk to you about this forever," I said, closing my eyes.

He bumped his nose to mine.

"Well, I guess I did that part for you." 

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