12. Uncertainty

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Authors Note: This chapter is super short but I felt you needed a bit of Fulton's perspective on things and a bit of information on what's happening outside of Nina's bubble. 


"Yes, that's what I heard."

"From who?!" Fulton's eyes were darting around in a panic.

Hezron let out a laugh. "From Meece, who else?"

"And you just believed her?"

"I didn't before, but I do now."

"What?! Why, what do you mean?"

"Well let's see..." Hezron tapped his chin, acting as if deep in thought. "For starters, in the past 5 minutes I've seen more emotions freely cross your face than I normally see in 5 months' time."

Fulton's eyebrows rose and his mouth opened but no words came out. He decided to look down at his soup instead, taking a gulp as he gathered his thoughts.

"And you were practically yelling just now. You rarely raise your voice."

Fulton closed his mouth.

"So... you like her?"

"Oh um... she's... I mean...I barely know her."

"And there's the third argument for Meece's claim. You never scramble for words."

Fulton let out a defeated sigh, looking anywhere but at his brother. "I can't explain it, Hez. I just feel drawn to her."

"And you're fidgeting and avoiding eye contact. Arguments 4 and 5. Perhaps Meece isn't as special as she thought, literally anyone with eyes and ears would be able to see how you feel."

Fulton's eyes snapped to his brother. "No, it can't be that obvious...?"

"Well, you are being obvious right now. And I have to say, it's so refreshing. You being the one who can't hide your feelings, for once. Me being the calm and collected one. We should reverse roles more often, this feels good."

"Hez, this isn't a joke. People can't see that I have... feelings... for her." It felt surreal saying it out loud.

"Oh really?" His brothers joking manner fled. "And why is that? Because she's an outsider?"

"Don't look at me like that, Hez. That's not what I meant."

"Then enlighten me brother, what's the problem?"

"I... um..." What was the problem? Oh, right. "She doesn't plan to stay, Hezron. She wishes to return home."

Hezron nodded in understanding before responding. "And if she can't? We have no idea how she got here, and it sounds like she doesn't either. What if she has to stay?"

"Like she's a prisoner?" Fulton used his spoon to push the vegetables around in his bowl, hardly feeling hungry. "I would only consider acting on them with someone who wants to be here, Hez. Someone who wishes to be here, with me. Forever. I couldn't consider a future with someone I'd be worried might leave at the first chance they could."

"Listen, Fulton..." Hezron took in a deep breath to steady his nerves. "You know this is hard for me, to see you acting this way towards an outsider, and so quickly." Fulton's eyes snapped up to his brothers, Hezron simply held up a hand asking for his brother to be patient and let him get the words out. "...I hate the thought of... I just don't want to see you hurt. But you are the most level headed person I know, especially when it comes to women. I trust you and your judgment."

"Hezron..." Fulton put a hand on his brother's shoulder. "I appreciate your faith in me. But I barely know her, all this talk of feelings is premature."

Hezron chuckled at Fulton's statement. "Of course I, of all people, don't want you rushing into anything. All I'm saying is it wouldn't be a terrible idea to continue getting to know her, if that's what you want. After all, you push me to settle down. Why shouldn't you find a partner as well? Your time of being allowed to avoid The Pairing Ceremony will be up soon as well, you know. All I'm saying is it may not be the worst idea to continue getting to know her. Maybe you could avoid it all together.

"... The Pairing..." His eyes were frantic again.

"Yes, The Pairing. Why are you acting weird?"

"The Pairing Ceremony is in less than three months, Hez. If she doesn't find a way home before then..."

"... She'll be required to participate." Hezron finished for him quietly, now understanding his worry. "But, maybe the King could give a pass or something, just this once."

"Hez, even so, you know the council would never approve that." Fulton gave his brother a glare.

"That's true." Hezron sighed.

"So... I take it you believe her story then?"

"Yes." Fulton answered immediately.

"That was quick."

"I guess you could say it's another feeling I have." Fulton chuckled. "And her facial expressions are as easy to read as yours."


"And also, we have this." He pulled out a letter and handed it to his brother. "Meece found it when examining her."

"So... Xander believed her as well. So much so, that he felt a need to bypass his Commander, me, and send it straight to the top." He pressed his lips and swallowed hard. "I guess I can see why."

"Keep reading."

Hezron scanned the page and then looked up in surprise. "He wishes to return?"

"Yes it seems so. It looks like the badlands station will be vacant. Are you still wanting a station position in which to spend your sabbatical from being Commander?"

His brother tensed a bit at his words. "Yes... I believe some time away from everything would do me well."

"I will miss you brother, but I agree. When do you wish to leave?"

"I'm assuming my king has already decided that Xander will assume his former position as Commander?

Fulton nodded.

"Then there's only one other thing I need to do before I leave. I will leave in 4 days."

Author's Note: What do you think of Fulton and Hezron's brotherly back and forth? 

Any idea what happened to make Hezron so nervous about outsiders? That story will be revealed in Book 2. 

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