23. Confessions

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She felt as if she was suffocating.  Taking in air was a struggle and she pulled away from him in an effort to catch her breath.  There were too many emotions.  Too many thoughts.  She couldn't make sense of any of them. 

"I was an idiot. Again. I don't deserve your forgiveness, I know that.  I don't deserve you.  But I'm asking you anyway.  Nina, stay.  Stay and be my queen. Be my partner.  I am done being a coward. I promise to- " He stopped as she ran to him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace, her face against his chest. 

"Fulton, I haven't even thought about going home in weeks.  Especially now that Pea is here with me.  But even before then, all I've wanted is for you to love me as much as I love you." This time it was Fulton who let out a whimper. "I know this is happening fast, at least for my culture it is, but I also know deep in my soul that this is right." She moved her head back to look up into his eyes and chuckled.  "I still have a lot to learn about this place and its people before I can think about being a queen to them."  Fulton went to lower his head in sadness, but this time it was Nina who held his head in place with a hand on his cheek.  "But I will learn.  I will dedicate everything to them.  And to you. I will be their queen, Fulton.  I will happily be your partner."

She barely got the words out before his lips crashed onto hers.  Tears streamed down both of their faces as they embraced, showing the truth of their emotions through their kiss.


"How am I supposed to know what's happening?"

"Because your hearing is better than mine!" Meece whisper-yelled.

"You two, leave them be and let them have their privacy."

"Save it Pearl, we all know you're just as eager as us to find out what's happening in there, perhaps we should take wages?" Hezron stopped and chuckled as Meece playfully smacked his arm.

"You're making jokes, Hezron. Meanwhile my sister's future depends on the words being said in there!" Now Pea was whisper-yelling at him. "And don't call me that."

"Fine, I-" Hezron's words were cut off as the doors opened. The three of them hurried to back away from the door and pretend they weren't trying to eavesdrop. 

"Oh, Nina..." Pearl smiled at the sight of Nina and Fultons interlocked hands and the big smiles on their faces.

"My dears, I'm so happy!" Meece exclaimed.

"What? So, what happened?" Hezron said in confusion as the others rolled their eyes at him.

Fulton looked down at Nina, who nodded to him. "I present to you, my partner, and The Capitol's future queen." He raised their interlocked hands and gave the back of Nina's hand a kiss.  She blushed in return, not taking her eyes off of his.

"Finally!" Hezron shouted.  "Brother, it was about time you pulled your head out of your rump. Now you can stop being grumpy and Meece can stop nagging me about speaking to you on the matter."  Meece gasped and elbowed him.

"Yes, I've been foolish." Fulton chuckled as he squeezed Nina's hand.

Nina finally locked eyes with Pea, sadness finding a way into her happy heart.  "Pea, I'm so sorry. I hope you can forgive me, but I-"

"Forgive you for what?" Pea said in surprise.

"I can't look for a way home with you, Pea.  This is my home." She looked back up at Fulton and smiled.  

"Nina, I'm not going anywhere." 

"You don't have to stay here for me, Pea! Sure, I'll miss you terribly but I can't ask that of you."

"We stick together, remember Nina?   Besides," Pea sighed.  "You said it yourself, Nina I had no life there.  Outside of you and work, I had no life. I don't want to go back to that.  Especially with no one who cares about me there.  I'd rather be here with you."  The two sisters embraced.  "And besides, I've already found a new passion here."

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Nina, someone has to teach these people some real music! There's no way I can leave this place with only drum banging and battle cries." The group erupted into laughter and each member took their turn embracing and congratulating the happy couple.

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