15. Dawning Realization.

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Nina couldn't begin to hide the terror as she stared at the man outside her doorway.

"Good Morning." He cleared his throat in nervousness. "I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Apparently she couldn't form words either.

"If this is a bad time, I can come back later." Hezron rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I am leaving The Capitol first thing in the morning and will be gone for several weeks. I was hoping I might have a word with you before I depart. I understand if you're uncomfortable, I was going to suggest we go to the sitting room down the hall."

"You wish to speak... with me?" She pointed toward herself.

"Yes. A peaceful conversation, I assure you."

After a moment of thought she decided, "I'd rather you just say what you came to say right here."

"Oh... um..." He looked up and down the hall to check for any passers by. "Ok if that is how you'd feel most comfortable..."

"It is. Please, just get it over with." She cut him off.

Hezron let out a huff. If direct is what she wants, direct is what she'll get. "I hoped to speak with you about your mistreatment by my men. I have never instructed my men to deprive anyone of basic necessities such as food and water. Nor did-"

She let out a huff of her own, earning her a raised brow from him. "Please, spare me this speech. I know how you feel about me, I don't want to hear whatever lines you've rehearsed to attempt to save your reputation."

"You are not willing to hear me?"

"I find myself struggling to do just that." She deadpanned.

"If you would be willing to let me expl- "

"No." She huffed again, forcing herself to seem confident and determined, while inside she was full of anxiety. "I don't find myself particularly caring about what you have to say."

Hezron clenched his teeth and breathed out through his nose. "Well, then I'll depart from you and let you get about your day." She reached for the door to close it in his face but stopped when he spoke. "How the King enjoys your company is beyond me." He muttered through clenched teeth.

"I've never even met the king." She rolled her eyes at him and began again to close the door.

He put a hand up to stop her. "What do you mean, you haven't met the King?"

She blinked her eyes at him. "What about that statement is particularly confusing to you?"

"The part where you said you haven't met the man that has personally told me you've spent time together."

"I'm pretty sure I would remember if I met a king."

His brows drew together as his confusion deepened. "I'm sorry if I'm mistaken, but Fulton told me he-"

"Fulton told you I've met with the king? Confusion joining her annoyed state.

"He?! You?! What?!" He was in total shock while she was growing impatient and more confused. "You call him Fulton?!" Does he know you call him Fulton?! Does he let you call him Fulton?! I don't even call him that unless we're in complete privacy! Why would he-"

"What are you talking about?!" She cut him off, drawing in a deep breath to calm herself. "Please. Just calm down and tell me what in the world you're talking about."

He let out a long breath to gather himself. "You have spent some time with Fulton?"

"Yes...." She made a face she hoped conveyed her annoyance at him. One that said 'yeah, so? Get to the point!'

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