3. Spray

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ᗰᗩᖇᑕᕼ. 24. 1998
𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣

 1998𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙙𝙚𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣

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"Eli. Eli. Eli. Eli." I felt someone tap me. I opened my eyes slightly and saw my sister sitting halfway on my bed with a bonnet and gown on. She looked at me with her dead half face, with a bottle spray in her hand.

Before I could say a word out of my sleep she took the spray and spritzed it on me. I flinched harshly as I felt the cold liquid being spat on me.

"Wake up!" She yelled. "Okay! Okay! Shit!" I yelled back on response moving my head away to the other side.

"Eli! I'm serious!" She raised her voice. I lifted my head a bit as I slightly glanced over my shoulder at her. "Is someone dying? Is the house on fire? Are the dogs shitting in the bathtub again? What the fuck do you want!?"

"Get the hell up!?" She yelled at me and soon enough I felt cold water being shot at my head making me grab a pillow in guard. Relisha snatched the pillow though before she beganned to hit me with it repeatedly.

"Get the fuck up get the fuck up." She said over and over as she abused me with the fluffy pillow. I blocked her with my hands as I slowly got out of bed trying to avoid any more damage.

"Go. Go. Go. Go. Bitch. Go." She was irked making me follow her instructions.

"Yeah keep laughing," I mumbled to my sister following me downstairs to where she told me to go. She had a small water gun in her hands, pointing it jiggling at me like she was going to murder me. My sister was weird at times but I knew she meant well. Hell. She was the only one in my family that truly cared for me.

"Henson I got him up for you." She called to her husband as we walked into the kitchen. When we came in instantly Henson began to laugh when he saw me. The overgrown man in his basketball-red plain shorts with no shirt on stared at me as he was sipping on his water. He was killing himself by laughing so much that he was at the peak of choking on the water that was close to his mouth.

I went over directly to the fridge as I stepped away from my sister. When I stepped away from my sister she went around the counter and gave the boy a kiss. When I pulled out a bowl of freshly picked grapes I turned at the two and became unfilled with disgust.

I sat the bowl of grapes on the counter before leaning over and watching the two have their moment. "Y'all really woke me up to watch porn." Instantly when saying that the two broke their kisses off in seconds. My sister became disgusted with my comment.

"I haven't masturbated in a while." I joked making my sister glare. "I'm kidding." I played it off as I gave her the same glare back. Henson let my sister go as he said a word about the comment. But he did open his mouth to speak about something else.

"You saw junior at that thing last night."

"What do you think?" I questioned as I feed off some more grapes from the bowl. "I think you should have busted that nigga upside the head when you saw him. That's all."

I laughed at his response. "You funny. I think y'all forgot that I did all that. Look at what that got me in life."

"Charged and with no job?"

"Depressed and overweight," I added on. I was gaining a bit of weight, just from the lack of not doing things around the house, therefore not being booked for jobs.

"Hey! I tried getting you up this morning to go to the gym with me." Henson defended as he lifted his hands in the air. I nodded my head up and down slowly before staring off just a bit.

"I don't think I would have the energy though. Having a criminal record and now dealing with depression will not get me up on a treadmill to run miles...to kill myself, I would rather do it by gun or a hanging rack. Shit! I rather jump infront of a car, I wouldn't put too much into it." I rolled my eyes.

My sister looked at me with a frown as she heard so much negativity being thrown from my mouth. "Don't talk like that." Her and Henson both said making my eyes roll once more. They took shit I said to heart too fucking fast. I couldn't joke around with them about shit.

"Well. That's life for a brother done wrong by society....or family perhaps." I shrugged as I popped another sweet grape into my mouth. I looked down at the grapes noticing how different they tasted, it was like sugar mixed with some type of radiated stick. Was this candy?

"Are these candy grapes? Why did y'all buy candy grapes?" I asked as I looked at the couple. I lifted one of the exposed grapes out of the bowl flipping it around confused about why it didn't taste healthy at all. Shit, I was already half fat did I need more of a trigger.

"I have nothing going for myself. Not that I'm trying to get sympathy and for you to feel bad. But it's the truth. I'm unemployed I'm living with you two. I hear dogs bark every minute of the day so I can't get peace. I gotta clean shit everywhere that they mark and for what! For me to sit back and watch junior and my ex lives in separate relationships, while I'm suffering over nothing."

My sister smacked her lips as she slowly came over to my side of the counter, she hugged me quickly making me roll my eyes for the third time. "Awww little Eli." She huffed on my shoulder.

I looked to Henson signaling to all that she was doing but all he could do was shrug we both knew her clingy ass just meant well. My sister rubbed my back as she did her best to comfort me.

"Trust me you won't be like that for long."

"What do you mean?" I asked the girl as confusion swept down my face. She pulled back from our little hug and just smiled. "Oh, no nothing darling." She tapped my shoulder before moving along behind me.

I looked to Henson with confusion as I wonder what he knew what she meant but all he could give me was a shrug once more. I stared at my sister as that smile was still on her face. I watched as she went by the kitchen dinner table that was only a few feet away.

The girl had picked up her phone and began texting right on it.

"Relisha..." I called her name with suspicion making her chuckle. My sister eyed me over her shoulder as she spoke of nothing. "Your planning something isn't you?" I questioned as I read through her like a hawk. She's been with me since birth, I knew my sister and her wild schemes, I knew everything that went on in that devious mind of hers.

"I'm going to go do something. I'll catch you two later." She said so suddenly as she walked out of the kitchen. Right before we could ask where too.

Me and Henson looked at each other. We both shook our heads in disapproval before we went on with our talk of the day.

    ❛. 𝑩𝑨𝑩𝒀𝑩𝑶𝒀⸻ ᴀᴀʟɪʏᴀʜ  ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴇʏᴏɴᴄᴇ ❜ Where stories live. Discover now