Lost and Found

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Good morning, afternoon, or evening, maybe midnight to whoever is reading this. Sorry about the late update on the story. I'd hope this is the point that it's just starting to get good, so I'll keep this short. I would really appreciate it if you guys pointed out any mistakes or inaccuracies in my story. That would be very helpful so I'd be grateful if you guys left a lot of comments. Thanks. I love you guys. All like ten of you! This is for you.

I was sort of surprised when I made it through the night. I fully expected to be harpy food, and waking up to see the sun shining through the trees was pretty much the best thing that ever happened to me. 

"Good morning star shine." Erik said. John smacked him. 

"Hey!" Erik protested. 

"What now?" John asked, looking as if he was not in the mood to be wishing anyone a good morning. 

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the boulder." Erik taunted. John just laid back down in the gravel. I could tell he wasn't very happy. 

"Knock it off." He protested. 

"Just trying to lighten the mood. Not a crime, is it?" Erik grumped. I tried to roll over under the net. It had rested on top of me, pulled tightly against me because of how far the chain had dragged me toward the center of the rock. Long story short, I now had chain marks permanently pressed into my cheek and side. 

"A crime? Well I guess it could be classified as one seeing as how we are all doomed at the moment."

"Quit being so grumpy. Seriously. You'll upset your girlfriend."

"I swear, if we get out of this alive, I am personally going to pummel you." John said. He didn't deny it, though, which made me curious. 

"What do we do now?" I asked. I was at a loss, and so was everyone else it seemed. 

"Scream until someone comes running I guess." Erik said. 

"Scream? Doesn't that just make you hysterical?" I asked.

"Well, yeah I guess so, but if it gets us found that's a good thing." Erik said. 

"Unless we all completely break down and go insane first. Is someone likely to come into the forest if they hear screaming?" I asked.

"There are two possible scenarios here." Erik said. "They hear screaming and ignore it because it's coming from the woods, or they hear screaming and come running because it's coming from the woods."

"Well that's just dandy." I moaned. "So we are equally likely to be ignored or found"

"Or both." Erik said.

"I don't see any other way out." I said. I laid my head back down into the gravel. My face was a little bit worse for wear because I wasn't exactly the calmest sleeper under pressure and the fact that I was using a pile of sharp rocks as my pillow didn't exactly prevent me from cutting up my cheeks.

I moved my head from side to side, trying to move the bigger pieces of gravel out from under my chin. I would have preferred lying on small bits of rock to large bits.

Nobody made a sound. We all just sort of sat there, not moving or saying a word.

"So," I said, breaking the silence, "do we scream or what?"

"I guess so." Erik said. I heard John scoff. "Oh shut it." Erik mumbled, turning into his back. Nobody made a move. I decided to start the boys off even though all of us were more timid than strong when it came to starting the cry.


"HELP!" Erik shouted. John rolled his eyes and started yelling, too. We all yelled for a few minutes. Nobody came. We had all yelled enough that our voices were strained.

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