Chapter 6: Cabin 6

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Making friends couldn't be that hard, now really. I mean, they're just people, I've tackled worse. A giant griffin for starters, but in all reality, who was I kidding? People were more complicated, and I'd take the griffin back any day, well, maybe minus the near death experience part.

I was sitting down by the lake, pondering about life in general when something came rocketing out on a stream of water. I watched in shock as it arced over my head, and plummeted right back into the body of water. I couldn't tell what or who it was. Yes, it was likely the it was a who, or the who was an it, or whatever was a something, you get my drift.

I decided to put it from my mind, and turned my thoughts to more pressing matters. The grumbling in my stomach. I was hungry, and it wasn't even after noon yet. I decided I had better pick out my cabin. I had nothing better to do, if you didn't count sitting, staring at a lake better than finding a home.

I followed the path over to the cabins, and scanned the surrounding area. All of the cabins for the twelve Olympians, and the cabins for the major-ish minor gods were lined up. I wandered around, looking for something that fit me, as a person. I actually considered the Aphrodite cabin because one of my best friends in the world was in there, but no. I wouldn't fit in. Not because of him, but because there seemed to be some sort of unspoken rule that you had to be drop dead gorgeous to even think about it.

Scanning the cabins, I decided to choose one at random, and spun around in circles with my eyes closed. I stopped once I had lost my bearings, and found myself pointed at the Athena cabin. Cabin six. I walked forward, gritting my teeth, ready to try to make friends, but it didn't go as planned. I reached for the doorknob, and it flew open.

A girl with a bio-hazard suit had come barreling out the door, holding something that looked dangerous. A bright green flame in a jar that was melting around her fingers. A few other kids ran out in her wake.

"Don't run with it, you'll burn down the entire camp!" Someone shouted.

"I told you Greek fire was a bad idea. There's no way it would have made the chariot go any faster!" Another called. The girl began to freak out as the fire spread up her arms.

"Someone go get a Poseidon camper!" I girl shouted from a cabin near the front. One of the Athena campers gave her a nasty look.

"Greek fire burns under water! We need a Hecate camper. Someone get Jaycee!" An Athena girl shouted, but the girl in question was already there, calming down the panicking Athena girl, and putting out the fire. The girl tensed up visibly and pulled the bio-hazard suit off. She was shaking.

"I'm never doing that again." She said, and some of the other campers cheered.

"What were you thinking?" Asked one of the boys, and he gave the girl in the bio-hazard suit a hug. The crowd of Aphrodite girls that gathered near all sighed. The girl hugged back.

"Nothing." She teased. The boy was the camper from the Apollo cabin that gave me the salve for my shoulder. I looked away, trudging toward the Athena cabin. I had to make a friend. Surely there had to be someone in there that wouldn't hate me.

The door was open, so I just walked in. Sure enough, there were five kids cleaning up the mess. A bookshelf had been knocked down, and several people were collecting projects from the floor. The table in the middle of the room was also scorched, and there was a girl pouring a bucket of water over it. It steamed with a sinister hiss.

"Hello," I started to say. "I'm Mi-"

"Not right now." One of the boys who was cleaning up told me. He dismissed me with a wave of his hand. He seemed pretty grumpy.

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