Kidnapped (Twice)

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I awoke in a small, almost empty bedroom with light blue walls, plus an unusual window on the door. My head was pounding and I felt like passing out again. All the memories of the past few hours came back to me. I was once again upset and I began to wish that I passed away the first time I was attacked. I cant live without Vic, he was my everything. He made me who I am.

I was pulled from my thoughts when the brown wood door was opened and three doctors dressed in white came in.

"Hello, Y/N Black. Do you know where you are?" The pale one with curly blonde hair asked.

"Uhm.. A hospital." I said quietly.

"That's correct. We're going to find out what's wrong with you. You don't have to be scared of us, because we're on your side." He continued. I know it's all bullshit. There's nothing wrong with me. I decided to just keep my mouth shut and nod my head because if I had another outburst I would only bring worse consequences for myself.

The other two walked towards the door of my room and he sat down in a chair beside my bed.

"Alright let's start. Would you consider yourself a violent person, Y/N?" He asked.

"No, never." I reply honestly.

"Even if someone has wronged you? If they made your life horrible, you still wouldn't hurt them?" He asked again.

"No. What is the point of these questions?" I ask.

"The authorities think that after you found out Victor had an affair, you murdered him." He explains.

"But Vic didn't have an affair." I say. Maybe since they got the details wrong, I wouldn't be found guilty. I notice him exchange looks with the other two doctors.


"Oh my god.." I say quietly in disbelief. "Please tell me you're lying." I add

"Uhm.. it's really not professional of us to talk about this." He says awkwardly.

"Do you need a minute?" He asks and I nod my head slowly. The three of them leave the room but leave the door cracked a bit.

'I don't believe it. They're trying to make me think I'm insane. I know that Vic would never cheat on me. But what if Im wrong? What if I imagined the killer? There's no way I would stab myself, though.' I thought after noticing my bandaged palm.

"Well she seemed pretty serious." I heard someone quietly mumble.

"Mentally unstable people are usually very good liars, so we can't believe her just yet." I heard another voice say.

"She's barely 19, doesn't keep contact with her family, and from what we can tell doesn't have friends. Just let her relax today, then we can question her again tomorrow." The first voice says.

They come into the room again and the male doctor gathers his paperwork. He didn't know I took the pen. Heheh. If I can get out of here, all I have to do is prove to them that I'm healthy.

"Would you like to meet your new friends, Y/N?" He asks after he's finished.

"Not really.." I reply.

"It will only take a few minutes Y/N. Plus you need food so you can have energy!" He explains to me enthusiastically as if I'm 5 years old. I slowly get out of the uncomfortable bed, and follow them down the hallway. I realized that I've been asleep for about 6 hours once I saw the darkness outside. We entered the cafeteria and they just left me standing there. I notice all the other patients are eating dinner so I take a plate and sit down at an empty table.

I don't feel like eating, so I observe everyone else here. From what I can tell these people have serious mental problems. I'm not even saying that in a bad way, I just don't belong here with them. I stand up from the table and decide to just go back to sleep. I don't even know if I'm allowed to do that. I don't know anything. Are they allowed to keep me here? I was basically kidnapped.

"Hello miss, where are you going?" A security guard named Jerry asks me once I walk out of the large room.

"Are they allowed to keep me here?" I ask.

"You'll have to stay here and be evaluated until they decide your court date, but we don't know what will happen to you after that." He explains.

"Oh.. Um am I allowed to go to sleep?" I ask.

"Sure, you can follow me." He says and walks down the hall I came from. It wasn't very far, and once we got there he unlocked the door and let me inside.

"Have a nice rest, Y/N." He says

"Thanks Jer." I say and get in the very uncomfortable bed.

Soon after

"Yes I'm sure of it, L.J." I heard someone on the outside of my door say.

"But if it's not her it sure as hell will be embarrassing." Someone else said

"'Sorry wr-wrong hostage. Don't mind us'" Another joked.

"Would you two shut up? The paper clearly says she's in room 562" Someone who sounded way too familiar said. It cant be him, though. Oh god.. I'm going crazy.

It went silent and I relaxed until the door was basically broken down revealing two normal sized men and one very unusually tall one. I pulled my blanket up towards my face and my stomach dropped once I saw them walk towards me.

"She's scared of you L.J." The one with the terrifyingly familiar voice laughed.

"Shut your mouth Jeff." The tall one spoke.

My blanket was ripped away from me by one of them and I instinctively hug my knees against my chest. I've been doing that since I was a child whenever I got too scared.

"Oh God." 'Jeff ' said once our eyes met. It was him, I'm sure of it.

"What?" The one with goggles asked.

"That's her." Jeff spoke quietly.

"Well, obviously." The tall... clown? said.

"No it's her. The one I got in trouble for messing with." Jeff said. It took a moment for the other two to register what he said but once they understood they both burst out laughing. It was horrifying. And loud. They sound like donkeys. Jeff hit them and they went silent.

"Uhm... Y/N?" Jeff asked and put a hand on my shoulder which I quickly smacked, causing him to pull it away.

"I've got this." The clown said and took a breath. "Y/N BLACK? YOU HAVE TO COME WITH US." It shout in my left ear.

"What the fuck?" I yelled and held my ear.

"This is taking way too long." The orange one said and pulled something from his bag, and everything went black. Again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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