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1 hour later
I felt a bit more safe with Vic, but I still feel like I'm being watched. I'm probably just being paranoid. That's completely normal. I need to distract myself. I heard a notification on Vic's phone so I instinctively picked it up. I wish I never did. I wish I ignored it and went to sleep.

Hello, my sweet Y/N. Did you miss me?
*image of you from Vics bedroom window*

My blood ran cold once again. I slowly looked over to the window where the photo was taken, and was met with a pair of horrible, unblinking eyes. I didn't know what to do. The police wouldn't believe me, and I don't have my weapon. That's when it came to me. He's a human. Most people like when you treat them just like everyone else. That's just what I would do. I got out of bed and walked over to the window and our eyes met. It was incredibly dark, so that's all I was able to see of him.

"I really don't want trouble right now. I'm really fucking tired, so please just give me my knife and leave." I say after opening the window

"Of course, no problem girl!" He says in a very enthusiastic voice.

That was way too easy. I smile and hold my hand out waiting for my weapon to be returned. His hand was about 3 inches away from mine, but he caught me off guard by stabbing me in the palm. Twice.

"Oh." I say. I really thought we were making progress. I tried my best not to show pain. He wasn't the only one with a plan. When I was 15 I was obsessed with horror movies, and I had a plan of how I was going to survive if I ever got captured. I would pretend to not feel pain, so their only option is to let me go or kill me. I'm just too smart

"Can I please have my knife?" I ask once again, still holding my now bloody hand out. He attempts to stab me again, but this time I dodge the attack and push him from the second story windowsill. I know he's probably very trained, but it's kind of pathetic how easy it is to push him around. I've done it twice already. He lands on his back and looks up at me in disbelief.

"You're a bitch, you know that?" He yells up at me.

"Shut up boy! Go home." I yell back. I then quickly lock the window once again and run around the house to see if anything's open. I locked about 4 windows when I remembered that the bathroom in Vic's room had a large window. I quickly dial the police once again, not knowing what else to do.

It was too fun to mess with this girl. I know I'm not allowed to kill her, but Slender never said anything about terrorizing her. I climbed into a window and found Y/N's boyfriend. Honestly, I'm helping her by doing this. I grabbed him by the shirt, and slapped his face to awake him. I place a hand over his mouth to silence the screams.

"Think of this next time you feel like cheating on your lovely girlfriend." I whisper into his ear and let out a laugh.
"Once you're dead, maybe she'll date me! I'd be much a better boyfriend than you." I say to make him upset, and slam my knife into his gut. I take it out and stab him again. Again and again and again. I then carve my signature smile into his face. If i'm being honest a dirtbag like this doesn't deserve to look as beautiful as me. From the two months that I have observed Y/N I can already tell he's less of a human than I am. He's pressured her into making love to him, manipulated her into cutting off her family, and on top of all this, cheated on her with about 4 girls. He deserves to die.

I finish my art and release the corpse. I heard footsteps coming up the staircase and instinctively ran away into the bathroom, assuming it was police. She couldn't have been that stupid right?

Turns out she is. I quickly climbed out of the window and hid in a tree. I could see Y/N breaking down at the sight of her dead boyfriend. If only she knew what he did. The two officers exchanged looks and.... handcuffed her?! That's kind of silly. They took her away from the scene and the paramedics put the corpse on a stretcher. I waited until they all drove off to climb down and run into the forest hoping I don't get spotted.

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