A Hero is born pt.2

Start from the beginning

Yoichi and Luna both look at each other and nodded meaning they got the same idea. They go up to the rock bridge, and managed to grab Yue, which surprised Yue and the golden bird, they pulled Yue with all their might until finally they were able to put Yue and the edge safely Which Yue is grateful for that and told them to shush and signal them to watch and do not make a sound as they both nodded for agreement.

And then look back at Red son who get's on top of the mountain and grasp it with the power glove. But as soon as he grabs it an unknown force tries to push him away, while trying to lift the staff, Red son grunted as he tried to lift it up more as he struggles which causes his hair and eyes ignite with fire.

Yue marvels the sight with interest while Luna and Yoichi panicked. 'Is his hair really on fire right now?!?' they both thought in panicked while Yue continued to watched red son lifting the staff along with the golden bird, he screamed as princess iron fan watched him, making the surroundings around them starting to crumble.

Until Red son finally breaks the staff from it's grasp. "Yes! I did it!" Red son yells in victory. The bull clones behind him starts to applaud, except for the armless clone, who looks down in dismay. Nothing happens. "WHAT!?! Why isn't anything happening?! Mother, you are sure this is the right mountain?" He ask rather rudely to his mother before he gets off the mountain. "No. Maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband!" Princess iron fan said with a sarcastic tone,

They both noticed the ground started to rumble until the mountain broke as the demon bull king frees himself from the mountain. "Yes, Father! Rise! Rise! Rise!" Red son cackles, the green fog cleared, to reveal the glowing green eyes of the demon bull king. Yue, Luna and Yoichi trembles watching the purple fearless bull emerged from the ground, his appearance changed from his previous one after years being trapped from the mountain.

The green glowed slowly died from his eyes revealing two yellow eyes that looks down at Red-son and princess iron fan.

"Flesh.. Bone.. I have returned to the realm of the living." Said demon bull king, flexing his arms. Yue gasp when she leaned closer as she begins to slip luckily Luna and Yoichi grabbed her hand trying to pull her up as hard as they can.

Princess iron fan eyes started to get teary eyed at the sight of her husband, after centuries of being apart, they were finally reunited at last, she slowly goes up towards him to greet him. "Oh, demon bull king. How I've missed you." She greeted her husband happily. "Princess iron fan, is it really you, after all these years?" The demon bull king leaned down to her level, gently cupping her face with his large hands, she leaned into his touch. "Yes, my love, it is me. We're finally together again." She sniffed, wiping her tears of joy away.

Demon bull king smiles, yellow gaze on his wife. "Years have been truly kind to you," he flirted making her smile. "How did you free me?" DBK asked as princess iron fan moved away to reveal Red son still holding the staff with the gauntlet, "hello father... I've missed you" red son said smiling. Demon bull king looked down at his son, his now teenage son in surprise.

"My son..." he said lowering down and gently placed his large hand on his sons head. "The last I saw you, you were small enough to fit the palm of my hand" demon bull king said, Red son smiled happy to see his father again after so many years.

Demon bull king stood back up and noticed the gauntlet holding Monkey king's staff. "I believe you are the one who freed me?" Demon bull king asked and red son perked up and speak. "Well I did moved the staff. I learned to harness it, to make it my-" He was cut off when the demon bull king stood taller and his eyes began to glow green, making Red son nervous. "-our power." Red son corrected himself, not wanting to piss his father off. "Excellent, my son." Demon bull king said smiling.

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