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Being electrocuted every hour helped me figure out the time. After one particular shock I had passed out and woke up only because another one shocked me.

I grit my teeth and stifle a pained groan as I woke up.

That was nine.

The electrocution was painful enough to make you cry out but not enough to leave you crying.

Damian had tried in vain to get out of his chains. Every once in a while he had to flip himself upside down just to put blood back into his arms so he didn't have to be in agonizing pain. I didn't have that luxury seeing as my abs had all but given up trying to pull myself up after the first electric shock.

"Okay." I let out a pained exhale as I look at Damian. "I'm sick of this. Time for brain storming."

Damian started out with his muscles flexed in defiance so he never slackened but now he was exhausted and sunk without touching the ground.

"Whatever you say we've already tried." He responded bitterly.

We had tried just about everything but between his pained arms and my blood filled head we were both disoriented.

"I doubt that." I grumble. "I just need to get upright so I can think." I random burst of giddy giggles escaped my throat and I smiled.

Damian had witnessed my nearing insanity which started with the drugs they put in me but now he probably just thought I was upside down for too long.

"What do you propose we do? Fly?" Damian asked.

A smile grew on my face. "Well if you can, I won't judge."

"You're annoying upside down." Damian grunted.

I close my eyes to try to breath and get my wits together.

"You're right, I need to get up again." I agree as I pull whatever seriousness I still had in me.

I tilt my head to look at the bag on the table Talia had left.

"I'll bet anything there's some metal pliers in there." I say. Damian's eyes widen as he realizes what I'm getting at.

Damian kicked to swing forward a little but he was furthest away and too short.

"Well, here goes nothing." I say.

Damian frowned as he watched me try to swing. I curve my back before thrusting it and pushing off the ground as much as I can. I start a steady slow swing as I go back before soaring forward. I keep it up until the pace quickens and I'm only a few inches from the table.

Damian now had a spark of hope as my fingertips grazed the table.

I swung back so close to the wall that I pushed off of it with my hands to swing forward. I reach and feel like I'm flying the way Dick does when he flips. It's in slow motion as my hands shake before they wrap around the bag and I drag it back with me.

At that moment I slam against the wall with my whole body and let out a pained yelp. Whatever was in the bag poked me so hard I felt a bruise already forming.

I swing back and forth for a moment while squeezing the bag in my arms.

"Hurry up!" Damian whispered harshly. "Mother could show up at any moment!"

I release the bag and dangle over it while I rummage through its contents. I saw all sorts of torture devices that would have no doubt been used on us but one in particular made me grin despite its original purpose.

I pull out metal pliers and hold them up for Damian to see. His whole face lit up in an evil little grin as I heaved my body up. My abs shook with my hands as I reach with the pliers to get close to the chains. The blades of the pliers close around one of the chains and I clip hard. The pliers were supposed to cut through fingers so going through a few chains wasn't that hard. One broke and one of my legs were released as the chains slide down and just barely missed my face.

I'm forced to drop to catch my breath.

"Come on!" Damian urged.

"Let's see you do this and not take a break." I grunt before pulling myself up again to snap the other one. I'm released and crash to the ground heavily. The chains land on top of one of my legs which throbbed now.

I groan as I lay on the ground from the painful fall.

"Get up!" Damian commanded.

I let out a pained sighed before I push myself up to my feet to free him.

Stars shined in my vision as blood rushed to my feet and they gave out from the sudden change.

I fall to one of my knees from the horrible change. Blood pounded in my brain as it all rushed to my numb legs.

I stumbled to Damian and grab his chains while trying to get my bearings.

The world was spinning and my face was heated.

Damian said something but all I could hear was the clicking footsteps of Talia.

I turn towards the door, my eyes wide.

Damian cursed and I moved.

When the door swung open and Talia stepped in her eyes first landed on her glaring son before she saw my empty chains.

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened. I had jumped on the table and lifted the pliers high before swinging them down so hard I heard a crack when it collided with her head.

Talia made a quiet gasp before she collapsed to the ground. 

"Hopefully she'll have brain damage when she wakes up." I mutter annoyed before walking over to Damian.

I was starting to get my bearings, even though my legs were killing me!

I lift the pliers and cut his chains off.

Damian fell and I caught him so we didn't have any sprained ankles before our escape.

I set him down and turned to the door.

"Alright, let's blow this popsicle." I say.

Damian rubbed his raw wrists and left them down to get feeling back in them. I knew exactly how it felt to have utterly useless arms but right now, we're gonna have to ignore it.

Now that my muscles had to be used, they hurt like crazy from being clenched so hard during the electrocution. 

"Tie your mother up and let's go." I say before laughing a little. Damian gave me a look and I clear my throat. "Sorry, still a little dizzy."

Damian started to chain his mother up before saying "You realize this won't hold her long and no matter where we go she'll send people after us."

I clicked the button on my gloves and my spinners fly up to my hands.

"I've already lived through one hunt. Bring it on!"  I exclaim.

A Sore End (Hard Time Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now