Chapter 27

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Y/ns pov

I walk out the front door to see a black van parked in front of my house, someone then walks out from the driver side and walks around the front of the car, to see Hwan in a suit

He smiles, "you look beautiful" as he walks toward me

I smile back, "and you look handsome like always" he took my hand and opened the passenger door for me, "a gentlemen too, how cute" I tease

He laughs, "of course"

Hwan shuts the door and comes around to the driver seat and starts the car

"So can I know where we're going?" I grin

"Nuh uh, it's a surprise" he replied as he started to drive

I groan, "finee"

we sat in silence for a little bit till Hwan turned on the radio, "so I heard rumours you might model for Jennie more often?"

I sigh, "yea, I still haven't decided though"

He nods, "have you seen the pictures after they were posted?"

"No, I haven't gotten a notification about it"

"Oh, well they got posted. Here" Hwan hands me his phone to Jennie's post of us

I gasp, "that's us?! Holy hell? They look so good!"

"Right? You did a good job for your first ever shoot, your a natural"

I smile "thanks, wow I'm- amazed honestly" as I give Hwans phone back

"Its a great concept, there's over 15 million views about it, I also heard there's over 250 thousand orders of those outfits we showed off"

my eyes widened "250 thousand?! How can they make that much?!"

"Well 250 thousand altogether of all the outfits we showed off. There's probably more orders now though, I checked that 2 days ago"

"Woah.. that's insane, so it was a hit then?"

"A big hit. We're almost at the restaurant too"

"Okay, perfect" while looking out the window


We pulled up to the most fanciest restaurant I have ever been in my whole life

Hwan comes to my side and opens the door for me, then we walk in. Everything is marble, gold, silver, glittery, everything. I feel like I shouldn't even be here now because if I even touch something it'll cost money

"I have a reservation under Hwan" he says to a waitress

"Ah Hwan!! It's so nice to see you again! Oh and who's this?" The waitress gestures toward me

"My date" he smiles while wrapping his arm around my waist, which for some reason makes me uncomfortable, we've had a shoot before but i dont think we're that close.

"Ooh you lucky lucky girl, anyone would die to even see Hwan let alone be his date! Come on over we have your table ready"

Hwan smiles at me as we both get seated, "so what do you think?"

paid boyfriend - h.hyunjin ♡︎Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora