Chapter 1

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y/n pov

"Ooo what about him! He totally looks like your type!"

"no i dont like him jennie"

"oh! oh! and him?"

"stop it already, you know im not getting into a relationship anytime soon right?"

"oh commoonn! you've never dated anyone in 23 years of your life, give it a chance!"

"im good, how are things going on with your boyfriend?"

"Awh c'mon don't change the subject y/n, you should really consider finding someone to date!"

"Jennie, I said no. I'm not into all that okay?"

"Girl- do you want me to grab my purse and slap you with it?"

before i could say anything her phone rang, "Ah- hold on y/n" she said, i nodded.

Jennie walked out of my room and answered the call. While Jennie was outside of the room I shut off my computer and put it away in my desk.

why can't Jennie see that I'm not ready for relationships. So irritating...

after a few minutes jennie opened my bedroom door and peaked her head in

"Psst- y/n-"


"I got to go back in to work, something come up, sorry!!"

"It's fine, get there safely okay?"

Jennie nodded and shut the door, then left the house quickly.

I just sat there at my desk trying to think of something to do but I couldn't really think of anything.

"Ugh c'mon there has to be something I can do"

then my stomach made a little growl sound so I got up from my desk and decided to go to the nearest cafe and eat.

When I got to the cafe I sat down and ordered a latte with caramel drizzled on top of the whipped cream like always

There's so many couples here today, I tried to not stare at the couples around me in the cafe but then I started to think about what Jennie told me earlier, should I consider a relationship maybe..?

Ugh no, I don't have time for that lovey dovey crap.

I got up and took my latte. As I was walking home I passed by a couple of allies, I was about to pass another alley till I heard people making out in one of them

Ew? Out of all the places to make out you chose an alley?

I peaked my head into the alley to see a man making out with a woman, I felt pretty uncomfortable and was about to leave quickly but then the woman started to speak

"Thanks for last night and today, I enjoyed it. I hope you did as well" she said and handed the man a envelope full of cash

My eyes widened and I quickly stopped looking into the alley

paid boyfriend - h.hyunjin ♡︎Where stories live. Discover now