Chapter 25

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Hyunjins pov
(I'm not a doctor and I barely know anything for medical stuff so this is the best it's gonna get, thanks!👩‍⚕️)

What the.. my eyes fluttered open as I try to figure out where I am. Why is everything so fuzzy? my vision was blurry so i could'nt tell what place i was in, but it still didn't feel familiar.

"W-Where am I?" I mumbled as tried to sit up but someone's hand gently laid on my chest

"Easy Hyunjin, layback down you just woke up" a calm voice said, and i didn't have to second guess on who it was.


"it's me, you're at the hospital"

I slowly lay back down still trying to adjust my eyes, then it hit me. I was having a panic attack and y/n found me- but then what? And how did she get me here?

"I can tell you're pretty confused" she says laying her hands on her lap, "I mean I am too, I still don't know what was going on with you in that moment. The doctor said it was most likely a panic attack, thankfully not a heart attack"

I nod "yeah, it was a panic attack"

"Y/n, how did I get here thoug-"

"Oh, you're awake" said a familiar voice as they walk through the curtains

"Who are you?" As I try to focus my eyes on this tall figure, they look and sound familiar

"It's me Hwan, from work"

Hwan? Why is he here?!

"Why are you here??" I said kinda annoyed

Y/n sighs, "don't pick a fight Hyunjin, I went to get coffee with him and he was with me when you passed out in front of me. He's also the reason you were able to get here, you should thank him."

He.. went to get coffee with y/n?! And why should I thank him?!

"Obviously I couldn't carry you so Hwan did" she finished her sentence

"I- ughhh" as I rub my face embarrassed and pissed off, "thanks" I mumble

Hwan smiles, i bet he's being all nice and sweet just because of y/n, such a ass "of course Hyunjin"

Hwan stood to the side of y/n until the doctor finally came in, honestly I'm glad he did because this awkwardness was killing all of us

"Good, you're awake" the doctor said as he walked towards me

"Mr Hwang, do you know why you passed out?"

"Yeah.. I was having a panic attack" I look at y/n and Hwan uncomfortably for a second, then back at the doctor.

"Uhm.. I'll get going! I'll take you to dinner another day y/n. Take care Hyunjin!" hwan said as he bowed and left.

"ah- okay!" Y/n smiles and waves to Hwan

This is pissing me off, dinner together? yeah, not happening.

The doctor writes some notes, "do they happen often?"

"Not really"

the doctor nodded, "do your parents live nearby? or any relatives who can take care of you?" he asked, my eyes narrowed at the question. i shook my head, "no, i live alone." i answered. the doctor looked suspicious for a second, but he brushed it off.

he looked at y/n with a sigh, "are you guys close enough? it would be good if you let him stay at your place for about a week or so atleast. panic attacks aren't that serious but it could be trouble if it leads the person to pass out. i recommend you keep a eye on him for that period just in case"

paid boyfriend - h.hyunjin ♡︎Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu