Chapter 21

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Y/ns pov

I slowly turned around and tried to make a weird look on my face "outside.. of work? What? No!! Why would you think that?" I guess the whole weird face didn't work, it was most likely a "oh shit you caught me" face

jennie gave me a not so satisfied face, "seriously? y/n? I thought we used to tell each other everything." she said as she sat on my couch with a deep sigh

I took a breath, shes right. if she had something like this going on and hid it from me it would make me feel sad and left out too. gosh im such a bad friend..

"jennie, im sorry, ill tell you" I sighed as well and sat next to her

After explaining everything
Y/ns pov

"And here I am trying to figure out why all of a sudden Hyunjin isn't talking to me anymore like nothing happened yesterday plus the past two week of stuff that happened between us."

Jennies face says it all, overwhelmed with everything I said, wasn't expecting something like this, shocked, surprised, there's too much to say that's all in one face expression honestly

"Y/n- what in the- wait. So you chose him the website on accident, then pay him anyway, and then keep this from me, then made out last night like no tomorrow, and now he won't text you or call you?"

"YES." I say as I hide my face in embarrassment

She sits there trying to process everything but I could tell she's also curious if we're actually officially dating. But I cant answer that even, because I don't even know, are we? no. im just his client, and thats what ill always be.

"Wow y/n, this is one of the most weirdest but interesting things I've ever heard about anyone's lover and how they met them"

I sigh, "yea well.. I wasn't expecting myself to actually fall for him when all this began. i don't know what to do anymore, there's no way he feels the same"

jennie pulled me into a hug as more tears started forming in my eyes, "have you tried talking to him?" she asked.

"and what would i even tell him? that i like him? that i want him for myself now? thats so stupid, i would be crossing my lines" i replied softly

"then cross them if thats what it takes. he's your first ever love, do you wanna let him go just like that? without even trying?" she said as she broke the hug and looked at me

"no.. but i just- ugh.. i dont know jennie, im scared we'll just end up on bad terms if i do something stupid like that.." a tear rolled down my cheeks, jennie wiped it. "oh y/n.. come on now. you were with him for two weeks, can you really not tell if he even has the slightest of feelings for you?"

"i dont know, a part of me wants to believe it, another thinks it was just his job"

she sighed, "you know what? text him right now"

"what? why?"

"just do it, lets see where it goes. we're not giving up just yet"

i nodded with more tears, and took out my phone. "okay, what do i say?"

"just say hi or anything, we'll start when he actually replies"

paid boyfriend - h.hyunjin ♡︎जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें