"Why are you leaving us?"

"I don't know, I haven't made a decision to yet," I whisper, confusion evident in my tone. Why would I ever decide to leave my family? It would be an indescribably horrible thing, the pain from that kind of separation from those I love.

"Well, it's set in stone. So once the event occurs that will make you choose to leave, unconsciously the decision will have already been made." She says sadly.

My brother's Emmett and Jasper look at me in a state of sudden shock while my other sister Rosalie stares out the tinted windows of my favored vehicle, a sad expression as though a puppy had been stood on and had yelped in pain. Alice continues to stare blankly and it scares me more than if she were to show her emotions.

"Will I come back?" I say in a somewhat normal tone, attempting to sound carefree, although my voice quivers slightly with the effort.

Everyone looks expectantly at Alice, but I already know the answer, by being able to read minds, all her thoughts stream into my head as soon as they enter hers as though I'm watching a live television show, although this one doesn't have a happy ending.

"I don't know." She says then looking as though she can't stand being in my presence any longer, leaves the car angrily slamming the silver door behind her. Jasper gives me a pained look, a glint of understanding in his eyes, then he opens the door and hurries to walk with Alice, his one true love.

Emmett pats my back, thumping his hand with such a pressure that would crush a normal human, he then proceeds to speak. "Do what you think is right Edward." Then he too leaves the car, with every leaving family member more and more anxiety floods my body.

I expect Rosalie to follow fast behind her partner but instead, she surprisingly stays a few minutes longer, silent in the back of the car as if she is at loss for words, although thoughts stream in her head at a constant rate.

Then suddenly she reaches forward and hugs me, her grip vice like as she pours all her heart into this one sign of compassion, something not often shown by Rose. Due to her horrible past and the things she endured as a human being, she often shut herself away from kind interactions.

In my surprise from her unexpected action, it takes me a second to hug her back. The moment although only lasting a few seconds seems to last a lifetime. Rose sobs one heartbroken tearless sob then leaves the expensive vehicle and runs in search of Emmett, who she desperately craves the comfort of.

I look out the window and watch as her long golden hair disappears into the distance, a small voice in my head wonders if this will be the last time I see my family but I guess there would be no way of knowing for certain.

The pain my family felt and the way in which I had to endure their every heartbreaking thought makes me wish with all of my being that I wasn't able to read minds, that I didn't have to live through all the pain of those around me. Too bad my wishes never seem to come true.

This statement wasn't a lie, all through my life as human and a vampire nothing had seemed to go my way. Now I'm alone without a partner and soon too could be alone without a family.

Numbness overtakes my body and I seem to somewhat evaporate into nothingness, I blankly focus my attention and watch as a worn down, old red Chevy pulls into a parking space, not really taking in or processing the information of the world around me. A feeling inside me begins to long for the life of the person inside the vehicle, so simple, so human, so many insignificant worries.

Not being able to take another minute of the never ending silence and loneliness around me, I swiftly open the door and quickly escape this blanket of regret and hardship as I begin to focus my attention on the current task at hand; school.

Twilight Edward's POVWhere stories live. Discover now