"These lands are useless if the war ends with all of its citizens dead," Acchilean said, looking up at the captain, staring straight into his soul. "Aegus was the only surviving master from Ontretheia. He loved his clan, he cared for us, nurtured us, and now he's gone."

Sarrettus stared at Acchilean, then abruptly sat at his side.

"If you are to mourn him, do so quickly. We have a war to fight."

Acchilean nodded, then slowly stood up. "To your home we go."

Rendore noticed trickles of multicolored light from the ground, purples and yellows and green. Weren't the Sendaris supposed to be blue?

The Enderking shook off this thought as he flew to the militia base. The enemy seemed to be in the early stages of a retreat. He touched down on the ground and began to incinerate Netherans, purple fire streaming from his dragon's mouth.

"They'll overtake us if we don't get up soon, m'lord!" an Enderknight yelled, and it was true: the Netherans were slowly getting closer. The knights formed a circle, but they were unable to completely stymie the Nether's barrage against them.

"My lord, we must take off!" Rendore agreed, and tried to make for the sky, but the Netherans drew their bows and began to fire. As they gain altitude, their dragons grunted in pain as dozens of arrows began to reach them. An arrow whizzed through the sky just as hundreds of Ardoni ran towards their foes.

"The Sendaris have come to save us!" a warrior of the End yelled.

But these were not Sendaris: No, they were forces from all four clans.

"For our brethren!" a warleader yelled as they charged the Netherans.

"Descend!" Rendore cried as they began to aid the Ardoni in their assault.

Pythus grabbed several blocks of obsidian, stopping the march in a wooded area.

"They won't be able to see us set up the cannons here." Chronos nodded.

A warlord spoke. "Begin forging the artillery. Quietly!"

The Nether laid out lines of redstone and TNT, racks of complicated machinery. The fortress of their enemies was just barely within sight, and Pythus knew that in a few short minutes, it would be obliterated.

"Perhaps I was wrong about this invasion being a total failure," Chronos whispered to Pythus. "Today will almost assuredly be a victory for our people."

Pythus grinned. "Vulcannus would not be pleased to hear you say that. He knows little of the dark realities that are so common in war."

Chronos nodded. "Perhaps, but he is a good strategist." The Lord of the Nether walked off to go give orders to his other warlords, and Pythus' grin turned into a wide beam.

Glory and honor awaited them when they reached their home. The triumph and victory of a battle.

Acchilean ran towards the militia base.

"What's that?" Thallous asked, following close behind his friend. "Those flashes of light?"

Acchilean looked ahead, and his jaw dropped.

"The clans," he said. "They've sent forces to us!"

Sarrettus narrowed his eyes. "They have!" Sarrettus laughed. "All four of 'em! Must've sent in their patrols in the area! To the clans!"

They rushed to their brothers-in arms, jumping into the fray, slaying blazes.

"For Ardonia!" a Nestoris yelled as he ran to battle. Thalleous noticed Aggrennall sweeping his blade in a wide arc. Sarrettus gritted his teeth as he slashed through a skeleton's ribs. Thalleous merely immersed himself in the combat, each strike fueled by his quest for vengeance in the name of Aegus.

Pythus smirked as his troops began loading their cannons. He patrolled the fleet of armaments he had ordered, and as the last explosive was placed into its purple-and-black chamber, he chuckled.

"Ready weapons," he whispered. The order was passed around.

"Aim explosives," he ordered. Subtle shifts in the cannons left imprints upon the grass.

Pythus gripped his ax by its chain, a frequent habit of his. He prepared to give the order to decimate the Sendaria Militia's base, to secure another victory to his name.


Sarrettus slashed through a Netheran as a whizzing rang through the sky.

"Pull back! Retreat!" a warlord yelled. The Netherans fled, knowing what was about to come. The Ardoni, however, did not. Some pursued their foes, but others tried to locate what caused the whizzing.

Then, an explosion hit a window in the Militia's base, blowing out an entire room.

"A bombardment!" Sarrettus yelled. "Drop to the ground!"

More explosions rang through the sky, destroying the Militia's base. Some soldiers tried to charge the cannons, but were shot to death with TNT and arrows.

"Destroying our base, raiding our villages..." a Sendaris trooper whispered. "This is a cruel way to wage warfare."

Sarrettus shook his head, watching his home get obliterated by cannons he could not stop. "This is not warfare. Only vengeful destruction."

Hello, all.

This chapter concludes part 3: Destruction. Part four will be the last part of the story.

Thanks for reading this far. Chapter 31 should release this week.

If you wish to contact me, do so on discord at Knight#1400.



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