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Arthur pov:

We had finally won the war and I had managed to bring Tessia back to her body .Although we had won the price we had to pay was a hefty one .I had managed to keep those close to me safe regardless except for my dad.

After defeating Argona and Kezess most people were afraid of me as they saw me as a god .I however was only interested in living a peaceful life with my daughter Sylvie and Tess.

I had told Tess about my reincarnation a long time ago ,she was shocked but gramps talked to her and later  she was pretty calm about it .It looks like gramps really helped me out there, there was a private party I had been invited by Tess to celebrate our victory .

As I reached the venue Sylvie told me she was running a bit late today and would join me later ,I entered the venue and Tessia jumped on me as everyone was celebrating and having drinks I also joined to drink ,strangely enough none of the other lances were here and the expression of everyone looked a little strange as if they were forced to put up a happy expression .my sister wasn't here as well ,just what was going on.

As I moved around I saw Tess coming towards me with a smile on her face , and then she hugged me but before I could tease her or say anything I felt a pain in my aether core as I was registering what was happening I looked down to see Tessia had impaled my core with a dagger 

Regis:'Princess something is wrong I can't come out' Regis panicked in my mind.

I looked towards Tess with only one question

"Why" I asked thinking that Cecilia had taken control but no this was undoubtedly Tess.

"Simple" said Tessia "You are too strong to be left alive I know what kind of person you are , you are driven by your lust for power and that is also the reason you saved me didn't you. To become the king of Elenoir and control everyone and  destroy all that stands against you there is no way we will let you live". She smiled menacingly

I was shocked I looked around the room that everyone looked at me with disgusted expression even my mother and elder virion 

"But you said that you loved me and didn't care who I was" I asked Tess and she just smiled as she said 

"You are wrong Arthur I said those words because you were needed that time ,now that there is no war there is no need for a machine whose only purpose is to kill .There is only 1 asura left and she will be joining you seen enough " She spat with venom in her voice .

As she said that an injured Sylvie entered "Papa what happened to  you " She ran towards me but before I could stop her Tessia immediately pushed her sword through Sylvie's chest who never suspected an attack coming from someone she considered as her mama .

She immediately fell on my lap as anger raged inside me .I tried calling out aether but it was not responding "Why.WHY.WHY I am a monster but Sylvie never did anything wrong so why her" I cried out as Sylvie gripped onto me tightly possibly due to the pain .

"Its not what she did. Its because who she is related to Both her father and grandfather or genocidal maniacs who murdered innocents people and it was only a matter of time before she might do the same, hungry for power , and we can't simply kill you and expect her to stay still and take it like a good child now can we . "Virion answered . 

"Bullshit .You are all just hypocrites that are doing the same and passing judgement on others ."I screamed out as I felt the aether slowly responding .

"Shut up .You have no right to talk about innocent lives when you killed my child" My mother spoke with venom in her voice .I thought she had accepted me but how wrong was I .

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