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RELATABLE - part 40

your POV

me, matthew and millie are working. caleb and sadie are sitting behind the scenes because they are both waiting for us, i mean sadie is for me and caleb is for millie. its going to be hard to film, because matthew has to say a lot of mean thing to me and i just has to listen to his words.

"fuck you seven, you are a mistake!"
"shut up!"
"why dont you let me help you? i can help you. we had a plane!"
"YOU had your OWN plan, i had MINE! i dont want your help, i want you dead."
"why are you even here then? why did you come back? you were born the wrong way, you were born by a mistake! you only good for testing. life is not for you! dont steal the chance of your friends to be happy,-"
"they are the only one you got, but they dont want you either. they are talking with you because they want your help.-"
"dont listen to him lisa!"
"oh lisa, its such a pretty name. seven suits you better. you think you clever because you didny listen to my plan?" he took a deep breath. "everything happens for a reason! there is a reason you have no mother figure and there is a reason you have me, as your dad. as your helper."
tears filled my eyes.
"no one needs or wants you, but you need me." he looked at me. "dont you cry seven, its going to be better if you come with me. if you do what i told you to do! we can give you real friends. or even a mother. a mother who wont give you away, who wont let you live like this, with fake friends."
a mother who wont give you away.
a mother who wont give you away.
a mother who wont give you away.
these words were repeating in my brain. this is a script but its deep.
"you want me, not them."
as soon as i heard cut i looked away, at sadie, then i burst into tears. i covered my face with my hands and i started crying. i want my mom.
"y/n, come here!" matthew hugged me and millie placed her hands on my back.
sadie ran up to me and she hugged me too. my hands were still covering my face, but as she hugged me i just pressed my face into her chest.
"you alright y/n?" i heard matt too.

sadies POV
no one needs or wants you, but you need me." matthew looked at y/n. their acting is so perfec! "dont you cry seven, its going to be better if you come with me. we can give you real friends. or even a mother. a mother who wont give you away, who wont let you live like this! with fake friends."
i just know these words hurted y/n. i looked at her and i saw the pain in her eyes. but he stayed strong and continued acting. she didnt cry herself, she just looked at him with tears in her eyes. "you want me, not them."
"cut!" ross yelled. i looked at y/n, she looked at me. tears started running down her cheeks. matthew hugged her and millie ran up to her too. she placed her hands on y/ns back. i jumped up and ran to her. "sorry!" i said as i jumped over a camera.

her hands were covering her face but i still hugged her. she wrapped her hands around my back. i heard her crying. "its okay, its okay." i repeted my words.
"you alright y/n?"
"mhm, sorry." she answered as she pulled away and laughed. "hormones." laughed again.
"go to your room, 15 minutes break everyone!" matt yelled.
we went to my room. i stopped crying of course.

5 minutes before filming again ross came in. "hey y/n, are you okay?"
"yes of course!"
"sorry for all the scripts."
"no its fine really ross! i am okay i was just so in action!"
"okay then, get ready we have to continue." he smiled then walked out.

"el, dont you dare go closer, they are stronger than you think."
"not stronger than both of us."
"we have to be careful okay? we cant loose our powers."
"i know."

we finished filming then me and sadie wen out to eat. it was really nice! later i watched a movie with my dad then i went to sleep.

IT ALL STARTED ON SET - Sadie Sink Female x female Where stories live. Discover now