first day stress

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"tomorrow." i sigh to myself at 10pm. for the 100th time today. i am so nervous. i am scared. i am scared of their opinion of me, the worlds opinion. what if i cant do it and they fire me? i am fucking scared.
i went to bed a hour ago and i just cant fall asleep. tomorrow im gonna meet with the cast, well not the whole cast. I AM FUCKING SCARED. i have to wake up at 10am. and i wanna be well rested.

i woke up, get ready and because we were done early, my dad decided that he is gonna buy us some starbucks. we stayed a bit in the car and talked, then he walked in with me to the studio.

"hey, you must be y/n y/l/n. i am andrea."
"hi, yes, she is y/n and im his father eric."
"nice to meet you y/n and eric. can i get a ID from you and her?"
"okay come with me."
we walked into the main building. there was a LOT like really really lot of people.
"okay first eric, you have to go to that room to talk with the duffers. and y/n, you are coming with me."
my dad went to the room where he was supposed to go and we walked away.

"y/n. your name is really pretty."
"thank you." i smiled.
"this is your dressing room, you can have some privacy here, stay here at the breaks etc. you can bring here anything, its basically your room. wait here a bit, your dresser, hair-styler, makeup artist is gonna walk in in a minute to say hi okay?"
"okay and thank you." i smiled again, i was acting like i dont know this but i do because of the other roles i have played.

my dresser, makeup artist and hair-styler or what, is the same person. her name is amy and she is very kind. also matt duffer come in to say hi and to talk you know to know me. he said that i have 40 mins free time i can do anything. i can look around or just stay here it depends on what i want.

"hey, y/n?"
"oh god i was looking for your room for a while now this building is a complete maze." my dad laughed. "i have to go now, i talked with the producers and directors and your everything styler and with like every worker. take care and call me if you need anything okay?"
"okay dad."
"ill pick you up at 6pm, they said you are gonna be done by that."
"okay, thank you."
"and dont stress honey, they are so nice! i love you."
"i love you too, thanks dad." i said while he was walking out of the room.

i am alone. should i go and just walk around? wouldn't that be like awkward? yes it would. i dont know what to do. okay. i know. im gonna text pressley.
press<3 📞 📷 ℹ️

hey im here and im alone
in my room and im scared
ASF i dont know what to do
i have 35 more free time and idk
what to do I AM FUCKING

calm down y/n go and try to
find the cast PLEASE i am
curious of their real self


okay just calm down okay😭
its your first day and its
ok to be scared but nothing
bad is gonna happen ok???

"come in." i said after i heard a knock.
"hi y/n right?"
"oh uh ye yes." i said in shock. or i was just very scared i dont even know.
she smiled at me.
"i am maya, looking at your face i think you know-"
"oh my god i am sorry, i dont wanna look like a weirdo fan or something i am so sorr-"
"its okay, i know, who wouldnt want to work with me?" she said jokingly. "i was wondering if you want me to show you to the cast?" she asked. "they know you actually. millie has seen your film."
"oh so cool." i said sarcastically." and yes ofc, thank you, uh maya."
i put away my phone and i walked closely to her.
"sorry for my reaction, i am just so nervous."
"its okay y/n, i can tell you didnt really met us before, not even the cast right?"
"no, just the workers and the duffers."
"they are all nice. hey!" she stopped. "i can see you are very stressed, dont be please! they will love you and i already do so its nothing to worry about!"
i just smiled. she is so nice.
a big knife is chilling in my stomach tho.

"hey guys!"
"omg hey y/n!" gaten said then he walked up to me and hugged me.
it was only millie, gaten, caleb and noah there. okay not "only" but where is sadie and finn? oh right i heard that finn wont film with us for a week i think because he has no script rn.
"hi" i smiled while i was TOMATO. RED.

it was awkward.

"im noah, i think you know it, everyone knows me." noah smiled. he was joking obviously if you dont get it.
"im millie and im so happy that i can work with you, and that i finally met you, your film was AMAZING y/n! i already stalked your instagram tho." she laughed and i laughed with her. I FUCKING LAUGHED WITH MILLIE FUCKING BOBBY FUCKING BROWN I FUCKING CANT BELIEVE IT.
sorry i am being a fangirl.
"im caleb and i dont really have anything to say like i didnt stalked you or something." he laughed. and you can guess. I FUCKING LAUGHED WITH FUCKING CALEB FUCKING MCLAUGHLIN.
i am fucking gonna cry myself.
"oh y/n im gonna add you to our group chat because you are one of us now." noah said
how cute.

for the past 20 minutes we were talking. they are SO KIND, then for 1-1 and a half hour the duffer told us how this year with filming is gonna look like. then we started. we shoot only for 2 hours, but there were so many bloopers and it was actually funny. unfortunately i didnt meet with sadie she didnt have scene today but millie said she is coming tomorrow and i am excited to meet her too.

a/n: PLEASEEEEE give me a star if you liked it i promise it wont be boring later

IT ALL STARTED ON SET - Sadie Sink Female x female Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora