bye grace

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BYE GRACE - part 16

your POV

its tomorrow now, grace is writing her school work again.
"after your done i was thinking about shopping? i could show you that part of the city and the mall!"
"okay sounds awesome!"

i have 4 days off of filming (idk if i mentioned it before or not) so this is why she is here rn. she could stay one more day but she is going on a vacation with her best friend.

"and if you dont want to we dont have to but i wanna buy a promise ring for sadie. but i know rule number one, dont combine relationship with friendships so its okay if you dont want to. i can buy it in another day too."
"no y/n, ofc i want to!"
"u sure?"
"yes why wouldnt i?" she replied.

she finished her homeworks and then my dad took us to the shopping center. they have a really good relationship so it was so so good being with them.
my dad has a good relationship with everyone. expect my mom but she is a different kind of person. my dad is so kind and helpful and reliable, and my mom is just i dont know, she is the perfect opposite of this.

"so what are yall wanna buy?" my dad asked.
"i need a promise ring to sadie and we want to buy some clothes if thats okay."
"yes ofc. is that okay if i give you money and ill go?"
"yes, thank youuu!"
"call me when you are almost done, ill be 10 mins away."
he gave me $70 then he left. i dont know where tho.
"i think we should buy everything else, then the ring."
"okaaay, brandy melville?"
we went around the mall, i had some bodyguard next to us and a few just being around us, watching me, lol sounds creepy but sometimes the paparazzi being too paparazzi so we have to be ready.

i bought a baggy jean from brandy and a top too from bershka. grace bought 2 tops from bershka and one from lululemon.

" i cant decide!" i sigh while i was looking for the perfect ring.
"they are all so pretty!"
"i think im gonna buy this one." it was a heart shaped, halo ring. (a/n: sorry if i said something wrong (i honestly think i did) but i have no clue what is the rings called)

i bought the ring and it was much more expensive then i expected so thank god i had more money with me.

when we were done my dad was with us again and we decided to eat sushi for dinner.

eating is hard again. asf.

"look dad this is the ring i bought."
"its so pretty! i am sure shes gonna love it!"
"i hope so, it was $17"
"how did you have the money for this? how much does the clothes cost?"
"i had some extra bucks with me. and i dont want you to buy sadies ring. its of course on me."
"oh i get it. what did you bought grace?"
she showed him the clothes.

we were there for a hour then we went back home.

"can i come to set with you once?" grace asked me while we were watching netflix.
"well the thing is that i am not sure about this. i think you cant come in to the filming room and you cant see anything what is like spoiler. dresses, filming stuff etc but maybe i can talk with duffers about you to see a min or two about it. i cant promise anything tho."

baby sade🫶🏻                                                 📞 📷 ℹ️

you okayyy?

ofcc what abt u? what yall doing

watching netflix haha

sadie loved your message

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sadie loved your message

i bought some clothes today ill
show you when you are heree

okay cant waitt
im gonna sleep i have filming
tomorrow at 8am😭 thats too early
for me
call me if needed!

yeah i get it💀
alrr text me when your upp!!
good night love🫶🏻 ilyyyy

good night baby love youu

grace and i went to sleep a hour later.

the next day we woke up at 9:00am. we get ready we talked a bit more then sadly they were here for grace. her parents came in to say hi and drink a coffee with my dad but after that they left cuz they were in a hurry.

"i hope we will meet soon." she said sadly.
"me too, we will im sure."
we hugged each other then they drove away.

"breakfast y/n?" my dad asked when we walked in to the house.
"no thank you, i am not hungry right now, i am tired. i think ill just go back to sleep."
"okay, but we are eating lunch together!"
i dont really like this idea but what can i do about it? fight with him so he knows that i am struggling again, or basically i never stopped struggling. they made me ate and i thought im getting but maybe i just relapsed to the darkness of my eating disorder.

but i never really was better.

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