Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Fight Club

Point of view Ashton Rex 

Nikita came to get me at the hospital after my speedy recovery at the hospital. I got released the same day as Alena's first fight. When I learned about it, I was surprised. Alena was no longer the same girl I could terrorize from my jail cell at Helia University. Alena had learned to fight from her classes that were required. After all, the Outcasts were the protectors and fighters of the supernatural world. 

Nikita had brought me a suit in which I changed in on my way out of hospital. We were both in the car when he started talking. 

"This is the second time I will be seeing your wife," Nikita said to make me react with a smile on his face. 

My best friend was testing the waters in an attempt to understand my mental state. He was also worried about me. I nearly died the other day, and he is feeling powerless in this situation that is out of our control. 

"Don't even start," I mumble as we drive past the skyscrapers of the city. 

I loved everything about this city. Especially at night, when the atmosphere changes and the smell of danger fills the air. I strived in this environment. It was a perfect night for a fight. 

"You know I'm going to introduce myself at the end of the fight." He adds to push my buttons. 

I wanted to punch him in that moment. However, he held both our lives into our hands, so I could only sit there and take it. 

"Why?" I simply ask. 

He looked over for a second and replied: "I'm done with your pity party Ashton. The lonely nights, the drunkness, the almost losing the fights. Imagine if I gave up like that in hockey, I would get cut from the team." 

I rolled my eyes at his hockey references but I knew deep down he was right. I needed to stop running away. He parked the car, a spot reserved for Traveller's special guests. 

"Fancy." My best friend said while noticing my name on the wall. 

I quickly slipped into the bathroom to change into my suit and fix my hair which was all messed up from the hospital bed. Couldn't believe that Nikita didn't make fun of me for that. Maybe his little heart felt bad for me. 

We arrived at Red Door where a big part of the crowed had already arrived. Before taking my seat in one of the front rows, one of the body guards respired in my ear. The boss needed to see me. 

I arrived in his office where he was walking back and forth. I had never seem him this distraught before. 

- "I've made a mistake, Ashton." He simply said while nodding to Nikita to close the door behind him. 

I knew right away that he was talking about his daughter, Alena. 

- "I've thought that by creating this fight, she would show the world that she is just a normal Outcast." He continued. "Look, if somehow tonight if she does something that reveals her true self, you will have to leave." 

Traveler started speaking franticly. I was having a hard time following. 

- Have to leave ? I ask with incomprehension written all over my face. 

- "If something happens, I will transport you both to the cabin. You will be safe there." He came close towards me and put his hands on my shoulder to cap my full attention. "Do not leave the island." He asserted. 

- "What, boss?" 

- "The council of Supernaturals is present. They always had eyes on her. If they discover she is an immortel, they will kill her." 

Immortal ?  I tried not to laugh at him. The only reason why I did not is because I held so much respect for this man who had taught me so much. Immortals were a myth straight out of books that they talked about at school. A race of supernaturals that was too powerful, they erased all of them. 

- Cancel the fight, then. 

I knew too well that Traveller knew more than I did. I didn't have time to doubt him or argue. The fight was about to start. 

- "It's too late, son. If we cancel, they would know. Let's just hope she can hide it but if she cannot, then look for my signal." 

Traveller regain his normal composer. He gave a nod towards Nikita before releasing the grip he had on me and opening the door to his office, signaling us to leave. 

We gained our seats shortly after. However, no one was seating. I felt the crowed excited for Alena. It was always an event for the town when I knew supernatural started her fights. 

Suddenly, a few seats down, I noticed Uncle Jay standing waiting, a worried but supportive look on his face. When the lights went out, and the opponent first walked out, my thoughts were running through my mind. 

Blood Angel was Alena's opponent. She was from out of town and had a couple of fights under her belt. By picking her, Traveller was really testing Alena. Alena didn't pick a fighter's name for her fight. She just went with the letter A

When she finally came out, the crowed went crazy. Black paint was smeared on her face, slightly hiding her face. However, her blue eyes were piercing. She seemed like a different person to the one I had met last year, in university. 

The officiator rang the bell, signaling the bell was started. The cage was turned on, blocking both the opponents from leaving, until a victor was announced. 

Alena was giving Blood Angel a hard time, but her opponent clearly had the upper hand with her experience. It was truly hard for me to watch her get punched in the faced. A dodge she could of made if she was more focused, I thought. 

Out of nowhere, Blood Angel took an illegal knife out and placed it on Alena's throat. My heart stopped and the whole crowed went gasp. I felt my heart beat faster. This was not happening right now. No weapons were allowed in the arena. What if she was sent by the Council? 

I locked eyes with the light blue eyes of Alena. She seemed frightened. I could feel it in my veins. Blood Angel started coughing but kept her hand firmly on the knife which started to bleed. 

- We need to get her out of there. I yell out at Traveller which stayed calmed towards the cage.

Nikita grabbed my arm. "Calm down, Ash." 

However, when Blood Angel dropped her knife by coughing blood, that's when I got worried. Alena immediately changed. I felt her anger, and her pain. Her opponent had cheated. 

I jumped out of seat where Traveller looked at me with some a blank face. 

That's when the lights gave out. The whole electricity of the cage went down. People started screaming. Chaos was starting. 

- "You need to get out of there." Traveller said by lifting the liver, that opened the gates. I rushed into complete darkness, Traveller by my side. 

The electricity was flickering which allowed to see Blood Angel convulsing on the floor. Alena's eyes had darkened. 

- "You need to leave, right now. Hold my hand." Traveller spoke to Alena. 

She was unresponsive. She looked slightly empty. I started shaking her, and calling out her name. I feared that she was going to kill her opponent if nothing was done. 

- "Alena, you need to wake up. I know you don't want to hurt her like that." 

I slightly pressed my lips on her cheek to get a reaction. She stopped and dropped to her knees, near Blood Angel. She started crying. 

- "I'm sorry." She whispered before returning towards her father. 

We both grabbed on to his hands, before he teleported us to a place far away from this city. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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