Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Hurt

Point of view Ashton Rex 

Sitting in the locker room, all alone. Not a sound could be heard around, except a few drops that were trickling down from a leak that came out of the ceiling. I couldn't control my breath or the beat of my heart. Both were going crazy at an unregular pattern. I'm not going to hide that I was scared shit. I wasn't as strong as I used to be. My body aches from the last weeks of fighting. 

Nikita entered. His blond hair was perfectly slicked back. He arrived near me with worried eyes. "We can cancel this game." He simply said. I nodded my head from left to right. He knew I never gave up a fight. "We can reschedule." He added. 

I threw him my gloves and he started to help me wrap my hands. 

"I tried to find her, you know she's close," Nikita said with assertion.  I rolled my eyes at him and took my hands away once he had finished.

"Yes, her dad lives in Trinity. You and I both know that this city is huge. We're better apart." I try to explain to him for the tenth time this week. 

He pushed a strand back. I knew Nikita didn't like conflict. We had grown up together and we used to understand each other without exchanging any words. This was new for him. He couldn't wrap his mind around my stubbornness. 

"As your manager, we both know it's not better." He said while helping me put my boxing jacket and belt around my body. "As your friend, I can see that it's hurting you." He replies with more worry in his eyes. 

Out of anger, I slapped my hand and threw my hand toward Nikita in which a flame shot toward his face.  Nikita had moved across the room in a matter of seconds. That ended the conversation in an effective way. 

"It's not the right moment." I snark at him. "As long as I'm winning, everyone can shut their mouth." 

Nikita placed his head down, retracting the words and insults he wanted to share. Although Nikita is my friend, here he is my manager and as long as he is making his money, he has nothing else to say. 

And, I never lose. 

He came back towards me, tapped me on the back, and wished me good luck. 


I stepped onto the ring. The crowd was cheering my name. "Ash" the other half of the crowd was cheering for Ocean. My opponent. We were both undefeated, titans of the supernatural world. We were the ones that were looked at to win the championship this summer. 

The winner was allowed to ask the Highest Community for a rule breach and enough money to retire that day. I couldn't care less about the money, all I needed was to meet with the Highest Community. All I needed to do was win, and not die. 

I met eyes with Traveller and a few seconds later with Nikita. They both nodded back. I could still hear their speeches, and encouragement. 

The crowd was silent, waiting for the ringing noise that announced the match was about to start. Ocean and I were trapped for the next hour in this metallic cage that was electric. A normal human that touched those bars would die instantly. For other supernaturals, it takes about ten seconds to die.  

Ocean was smaller than me and his name hid his true horrific sources. His body was covered with tattoos and symbols which made him stronger. I had a strong disadvantage. Fire was shut down by the water. Ocean was a force to not be reckoned with. He had beaten some of the strongest heroes of our world. Even though those who graduated from Hellia, are the ones that always won the Championship. 

A few seconds before the match started, I closed my eyes and concentrated. The magnetic field that was installed stopped our powers from being used until the game started. Once I heard the ding that announced the start of the game, I entered Ocean's mind. In a few seconds, I watched his core memories and searched for his fears.  

It wasn't long before I realized Ocean had no fears. He was happy. He had all he wanted. He ruled over the oceans, he had found his other half, and he was a father. He knew I had no way of getting to his children that were safe while I was in this cage. There was no way I could torture his mind. 

Ocean's eyes were a deep blue. One that showed the deepness of the Oceans. I could hear that my opponent was attracting the water from the pipes that went all along this building. In a matter of moments, before I even was able to get to him, water started splurging. It stung my skin, creating rashes. 

The crowd gasped. I already knew I was doomed

I threw flames toward him but they all hit a wall of water that surrounded him. He had created a bubble around him. He came closer to me enough for me to reach him. I stood on my feet. When I entered the bubble, I held my breath. I came close enough to strangle him. My hands wrapped around his neck. He smiled back at me. 

The water created pressure on my lungs. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't do anything. I tried one more time to enter his mind, but it didn't scare him. 

I was slowly losing consciousness as my brain was lacking oxygen. If I had my normal strength, I would be able to torture his mind, burn him, and boil the water. 

This match was important. It told the world who was the most likely to win the championship. Here, I was, losing for the first time. 

Nikita and Traveller had left. They knew what was about to come and decided not to wash. They had turned their backs on me. 

Ocean started walking towards the metallic cage. I closed my eyes, and all I could think about and see was the face of Alena. I missed her so much. I couldn't reach her or even feel her presence. 

My back hit the cage. I was placed against it and I lost consciousness while Ocean was being declared the winner of this game. 

Then, it went all black as my body was left for seconds, being electrocuted to death. 

I lost. 

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