Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Getting knocked down 

Point of view Ashton Rex

California... The place where my grandma had raised me. It used to be a place that seemed so innocent. I walk by the places where Cookie used to bring me to the parks, the ice cream shops, and my sports events. I put my head down and continue driving to the city, back to Nikita's neighborhood. The city is no longer innocent to me. The city of Trinity has a darker side which is suited to the ones who were Outcasted.

The drugs, the bars, the prostitutes, the tattoo shops, and most importantly the illegal boxing matches.

Drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes were all part of my life the summer before I went to Hellia University. They sent me down an endless spiral in which I lost control. Nikita saved my life multiple times by saving me from multiple situations where I was left bleeding on a sidewalk. It was true, Trinity had seen me grown up happily, and had seen all my innocence leave my being. 

What was left from that lifestyle was the different style was the tattoo shops and the illegal boxing matches? Without Cookie and my parents' support, I was left alone without any support. Even though Nikita offered to help, I refused. The money that was made from those matches was too good to refuse plus, I never lost.

Here was I, like I did almost every day this summer, walking through the entrance of Red Door. The security man watches me walk by, without a word. They know me too well to know not to bother me. Red Door is a dark place to be, metaphorically, and physically. Most of the rooms are lit only by red lighting. This place is unknown by the common mortal. I walked straight across the showing room. 

In only a few hours, I will be trying to survive, and use my powers for the amusement of the crowd. I wish I could tell that this amuses me like it used to but my body is slowly shutting down. It is slowly losing its powers. The embarrassment is growing and I am no longer the same monster that used to win matches with only a few punches. 

Right when I was about to knock on my boss's door, some high pitched voice bitch interrupts me. 

"Ash" She creams. I look down towards a fake blond female with her tits coming out of her shirt. I look away in disgust. An older version of me would have been interested, probably even happy to have this interaction. I couldn't stand it anymore. I couldn't stand fake blonds, because no one could ever reassemble the girl I married. 

"Emily, I am a bit busy." I try to go around her but she is feisty. She puts on and crosses her arms to try to grab my attention. If she wasn't a colleague, I would have sent her flying minutes ago. "I'm finally having my first fight on Friday!" She claps her hands with excitement. I imitate her and clap my hands as well. I wish I could tell her I couldn't give two shits about women's fights.

They barely had any impressive powers or fights. Emily was accepted into Hellia University before she was thrown out on her first day for crying like a baby. I couldn't wrap my head around the idea that she would end up in a place like Red Door. I guess that was a question for Boss. He loved finding people in distress, he loved finding their weaknesses and using them for a better show. 

"Would you come to watch?" She asked while making a puppy eye-like face. I was about to shake my head when Boss came out of his office. "He would love to Emily." He responds to me with a smile on his face. She screamed and hugged me while I stayed immobile waiting for her to release the pressure from her arms. 

"Now, go and train. Your opponent might be a tough one." He says without any emotions. Without any other words, Emily left. I looked at Boss with some sort of jealousy. I wish I had that power to be respected. He turned towards me and re-adjusted the black hat on his head.

"She's going to get destroyed," I say while looking at her walk away. 

"Sometimes you need to get knocked down to get back up." He replies. 

I never knew what Traveller meant because his words were embedded with double meanings. No one knew much about him except that he had owned this place for decades now. Although I had known him for hours, there were only a few instances where we connected and he had decided to open up to me. No one knew his real name, but somehow Traveller knew everything about everyone. It's like he could be everywhere at the same time. Traveler opened his office door and invited me to sit down. I sat down in front of him, while he sat looking at previous matches on the computer. "You know, we're more similar than you think." Traveler said suddenly. I had no idea where he was going with this but I decided to listen."I left my soulmate when I was young." 

He opened up. "I didn't die but it made me weak." I crossed my arms in defense. "I've never lost a fight." 

"You will soon if you continue." His eyes grew darker and more threatening. Traveller and I played a dangerous game. Seeking the limits of the relationship we had built over the years. Some things were better not to mention. 

I slap my hand down on the table with anger. "Traveller, stay out of it. As long as I win, you get your money and you can stay out of my personal life."Traveler sat back in his chair and watched as I angrily walked out of the office, ready for my next fight.

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