Chapter 14 - Dangers rising

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Please read my little announcement at the end! It's about future updates and it pretty important!!

A long while after making an alliance with the Defenders of the Wing, you were once again on the island.

You'd managed to make a good friend out of Mala after your initial rejection of her offer to be queen, and were currently telling her all about how Snotlout 'the fierce future king of the Defenders of the Wing', had tried to take over the Dragon Riders and also about how the rest of Berk's 400 year celebration went after everyone had saved Hiccup from getting kidnapped over his bounty. Which you found absolutely hilarious.

Now, there was news about some cloaked stranger saving her and Throk at the Northern markets. Which was worrying on multiple levels, the most being why were the markets getting more dangerous.

"Oh, I hope Trader Davin's alright. He always gives us good prices on leathers and weapons." You mumbled as you kept pace with Mala and Hiccup. "And you've been to the markets before and none of this sort of thing happened?" Your brother enquired, to which Mala agreed. Apparently, her and her people frequented the markets but hadn't ever seen you there before.

"That's not usually how it is there, the Northern Markets are a safe place for everyone to trade..." Heather added in, exchanging worried glances with you. "Maybe we should go and see what's going on?" You suggested to her and Hiccup. Your brother nodded in agreement, "You, me and Heather will go and check out what's happening at the Northern markets. Thank you for telling us, Mala. It was good that you sent for us"

You smiled at her gratefully with Hiccup's words. "Actually, I summoned you for a different reason." Mala's words were heralded by Ruffnut and Tuffnut crashing through the bushes and up to you all. "Y/N!! You are never going to believe this." Ruffnut shrieked, grabbing your shoulders in excitement as Tuffnut addressed the queen breathlessly.

"What is it??" You asked her in alarm, grabbing her hands on your shoulders to steady her as she faced the floor to try and catch her breath, her helmet horns almost taking your eye out. "This may be the greatest day ever!!" She announced, taking her hands off your shoulders, and throwing them in the air. "No no, dear sister, it is the greatest day ever!!" Tuffnut corrected her. "Unless you count the first time, I wrestled a Boar. Now that, was a day to remember...Or the second time I-"

"Tuffnut, spit it out!" You told him, the suspense killing you.

"Ah ah! Patience, dear Y/N! This is way too good to just blurt out!" Tuffnut waved his finger in front of your face, to which you glared at him with Astrid over your shoulder also giving him an impatient look.

He took a deep breath, before announcing "The village is setting up for The Trials to test the new king!!!" Tuffnut exploded, jumping in the air and throwing his arms up so fast you could have sworn he was about to take flight.

"The trials to test the new king? But that's-"

Heather looked between you and Astrid as she spoke, ending with a laugh as Snotlout ran onto the beach in a panic. "Hiccup!! We need to leave right now- Oh hey babe!" His short-lived rant ended with him skidding to a stop in front of Mala, who he clearly did not expect to be there. She gave him a graceful smile, walking over to him as he continued to ramble.

"Y/N, did you know about this??" Snotlout pointed an accusatory finger at you, clearly thinking that because Mala had chosen you originally to be her queen, you knew of the trials. You in fact, did not. And you showed this by shaking your head and shrugging in response.

"Mala, would you excuse us for a minute?" You asked her, holding your hands behind your back politely and leaning across your brother. She gave you another graceful smile before walking out of earshot. "This is crazy! I'm not gonna swim across lava just so I can be a king!" Snotlout erupted in whispered panic, the twins looking at each other with an evil glint in their eyes from either side of him. You stopped yourself from snorting.

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