Chapter 18 - Dagur's dagger

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Sorry for the shorter chapter! I hope you enjoy some of its spicy contents though ;)

Smut's highlighted in bold as usual! 

After a good night's sleep in your new house and bed, you woke up feeling refreshed but still a little groggy from all the crying you'd done the day before. You got up and ready for the day, noticing that Dagur had let you sleep in and was already up and about doing his duties as Chief.

Heather was immediately there to greet you when you walked out of the house, scaring you as you gave a yell in surprise at seeing her so close to the door when you opened it. "Oh no- I'm sorry! I thought you heard me walk up here!" She apologised with a small laugh. Your surprise turned into humour, a hand covering your heart as you laughed out "Give me a heart attack why don't you, Heather!"

She laughed and rolled her eyes at your joke, gesturing for you to follow her down towards the main village.

The house you'd been in, the Chief's house, was bigger than yours was growing up. It had a Skrill's head carved into the roof of it and was at the top of the village. The walk was a little longer than you expected but passing all of the village folk who gave you enthusiastic good mornings made it easier. You could immediately tell where Dagur was when you heard him and Gustav discussing plans for phase 2.

The day from there seemed to go incredibly quickly. Dagur was by your side the majority of the time, his hand on its usual spot on your waist or an arm wrapped entirely around you. It was almost as if he was afraid that you'd just up and disappear on him, that he was scared that though you were finally going to be his wife on Berserker Island, you'd just vanish into thin air.

By the time you were walking back to the house with Heather, you had become decently adjusted to the people here. They were much like the people on Berk, just with tempers that flared into a lot more than slapping each other with fish like some particular Vikings you knew of.

Both you and Dagur bid Heather and Gustav farewell as they went to their respective houses, Gustav had taken up residence in a Berserker family's spare room once you'd moved into Dagur's house. He'd been told it was because you needed extra room for all of your things. That was not the truth though, you knew exactly why Gustav had been moved out of your new house.

But he'd learn of that when he was older.

As soon as Dagur closed the front door, your arms crossed, and you stood between him and the stairs. He turned to you with an almost blissful grin before it turned to the same worry you'd seen on him the day before when you were being barraged by arrows. "Y/N? Is everything...ok? Sweetie-pie...?" He asked carefully.

Your eye twitched at the pet name, Sweetie-Pie.

"We need to talk about the Gustav situation." You told him, watching a shameful look crawl across Dagur's features as he took a step towards you.

"Yeah, I thought as much." Dagur admitted, one arm rubbing the other in nervousness as he waited for you to speak.

"Dagur, why didn't you tell me the apprenticeship programme was fake?" You asked sternly, Dagur flinching from the tone of your voice. If it had been the old Dagur, he would have told you that he did what he wanted, He didn't have to tell you anything and that you were his wife so leave the important stuff to the Chiefs. But he was not old Dagur.

"I'm sorry, my love, I did want to tell you! Really!" He exaggerated the 'really' as your face grew an expression of disbelief. "But, Stoick wanted to keep it between Chiefs. Plus, he didn't want to risk Gustav finding out." He admitted, taking a step closer to you as you kept your arms folded. He couldn't shake the feeling of guilt when he saw how upset you were over the fact that he hadn't told you what was actually going on. He hated that he was still making you upset at all.

Forgiveness; the re-writeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz