Chapter 23 - The green eyed monster

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Guess who completely finished writing the Race to The Edge chapters.

This guy ;-; 

The end is near y'all

But enjoy the...bath tub scene coming up in this chapter ;)

Your visit to Berserker Island couldn't have come at a better time, because the day after, you were to be involved in a new meeting involving the Defenders of the Wing and the Berserkers to decide where to hide the Dragon Eye lenses and to discuss strategies involving what you'd do to deal with the Hunters and Johann.

When you'd arrived, you noticed that Sleuther was gone but Windshear was laid sleeping in her pen. You smiled as Shocker nudged her to wake her up a little before curling up beside her. Unexpectedly, Dagur and Sleuther then landed right at the stable door, seemingly ready to ambush an unwanted visitor judging by the harsh clacking of Sleuther's tail. You jumped, letting out a yelp that woke both napping dragons up and slamming a hand on your chest from fright.

"Y/N! Oh no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, my love." Dagur apologised sheepishly but with a hint of amusement in his eyes as he dismounted Sleuther and rushed over to you. You started laughing and shook your head, "No, it's fine. I probably should have let you know I was coming." You admitted as he took your hands in his and pulled you into him, swaying the two of you as he engulfed you in an embrace.

"You can come here whenever you like without telling me once. It's your home just as much as Berk and The Edge are now, baby. Besides, I always miss you when you're gone so if you turn up out of the blue it's even better for me!" Dagur told you, rubbing his face against your head as you laughed from the rubbing of his beard. His strong arms held you in a comfortingly possessive embrace as you laughed and just answered 'ok' before you kissed him.

As always, Mala was eager to greet you when you landed on Caldera Cay. "Y/N, it is a pleasure to have you here with us again, how have you been?" She asked you, bowing to you as you bowed to her. "Mala! It's good to see you too, I've been well, slightly stressed due know...the Johann situation...but apart from that, good! What about you? I hope things have been well here?" You replied, returning Mala's warm and charming smile.

"Yes, thank you, things have been fine. Our Great Protector is living up to its parent's legacy and keeping our village safe. Oh-" Mala noticed Dagur's shock of red hair dismounting Sleuther and speed walking his way over with his eyes fixated on you in particular.

He'd obviously heard you talking. This Mala character spoke in a very interesting fashion, her words seemed to just roll out of her mouth with ease. Everything she said to you in particular sounded like she was reciting a love poem. Dagur found this...frustrating. Of course, you were going to be married and you'd showed him in more ways than one that you loved him and him only. But seeing and hearing your exchange, no matter how innocent it was, left him how he'd gone about winning you over.

He hadn't exactly been smooth with his words, not reciting poems or love ballads or speaking in a fancy sounding accent.

"I presume this is the Dagur you have told me about?" Mala asked you, looking Dagur up and down as her eyes sharpened. Dagur just stared back in a bored manner, quickly looking her up and down too before remembering the comment she made about you telling her about him. "Oh yeah? And just how many other people have you told about us, huh? I'm starting to think you were the obsessed one." Dagur joked, a hand immediately pressing into your waist and nudging you closer to him as you laughed at his behaviour.

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