Chapter 24 - Moving too fast

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Please for the love of god check that you're reading Chapter 24, I know the 'latest chapter' is 25 but I phucked up and missed out on a chapter last week ;-; 

This same note's on Chapter 25 too in case anyone gets confused.

I hope you all enjoy! 

After you'd stayed the night on Berserker Island, you'd headed back to Dragon's Edge in high spirits. Your wedding was actually on the way to being planned and the following weeks you were badgered by numerous Terror Mails from Heather, Dagur and planners all wanting to know what you thought of different decorations, food options, venues etc. Honestly, the overwhelmingness of the actual planning was overshadowed by just how EXCITED YOU WERE!!!

The thoughts of your wedding were still filling your mind as you watched the twins almost crush Snotlout with a net full of weapons. A sputtering laugh made its way out of your mouth, which you immediately covered up with a cough when he death glared you from his place on the floor. "Yes!" The Twins cheered while high fiving.

"Ok you two, come on down! We need to figure out what we're going with this scrap metal." Hiccup told them sternly, like a father would his children. Which I mean, to be fair, was sort of the roles you'd both ended up taking on with them? Well you more like the fun aunt that always went along with their games and Hiccup like the stern father always lecturing them for their games.

Your talks about taking the metal to the Armour Wing dragon Astrid, Hiccup and Snotlout had a run in with a while back were interrupted when Dagur and Sleuther crash landed and he full pelt sprinted over to you. Your surprise wasn't well hidden at all, your shriek being the only thing the others heard as he picked you up in excitement. "Dagur! What a nice...surprise?" Hiccup asked, walking towards the two of you as Dagur held you, nodding in a breathless greeting to the rest of the riders. Snotlout rolled his eyes at the sight of Dagur's hands on your waist while Fishlegs gave a small coo. He loved watching romance.

"Y/N! Brother! Sorry, I came as soon as I got told. Our wedding has an official date!!" He exploded in excited cackles, while you felt yourself growing much, much hotter from that realisation. "A date? When is it??" Astrid asked, suddenly very interested in the wedding conversation. You agreed with her question, nudging Dagur to bring him back to reality and out of his excited stupor.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry. It's the 3rd Frigga's day of the Summer coming up in a few months, you know to give us time to sort out the whole Flyer nonsense. Is- is that alright? Because they'll change it if you have an issue with it-" Dagur began to grow serious in asking you whether the date was alright before you let out another shriek, this time with excitement, and leaped on him in an embrace. You heard the others cheering behind you as Dagur spun you a few times before setting you back on the ground.

"That's perfect! It's perfect, Dagur. Thank you." You reassured him while trying to keep your excitement in check. Astrid watched this interaction take place and felt a slight pang in her chest, right next to where her Betrothal necklace usually hung. The feeling wasn't exactly good, making her wince and swallow thickly while watching you and Dagur interact in a way that typically newly engaged couples would. You were probably one of the most affectionate people she'd known growing up, and now seeing how you were with Dagur honestly made her question a lot about how Hiccup treated her in comparison.

He was never usually that affectionate anyway? Definitely not to your level and most certainly not to Dagur's level, which she could benefit from seeing less of at this point. Though, thinking about it, Astrid herself wasn't exactly affectionate either. She could probably learn a lot from yours and Dagur's examples to be honest, but something about just seeing the comparison between your two relationships made her feel...dissatisfied.

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