Chapter 48

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Fern Blossom

I'm back inside... nothing.

I see nothing. I hear nothing and I smell nothing. I can't speak, I'm paralyzed, I can't even twitch a finger or feel the other end of my body.

I'm floating through, in a sea of water that is blacker than any colour. I feel nonchalant, like the colours of the darkness surrounding me are representing my feelings. Which is nothing.

The only thing I can do at this very moment is blink, and move my eyes around the surface that is reflecting my floating body.

If I could react I would scream, I know I would for definite. But nothing happens, I stare at myself like I'm the most boring book to ever be looked upon.

Out of boredom I start counting the seconds I stared up at myself. After the 45th second it starts to bore me and my eyes flutter close no longer wishing to look at my emotionless face and paralyzed body.

I knew this was Nyx. It had to be. It would explain the same black water I stood on every time but this time I was under the water and I wasn't downing.

"This is her?" My ears twitched as I heard a voice. A female one.

"Yes." Another higher pitched female answered.

"She is mortal yet she holds the power of the king of spirits. What was he thinking of putting an immortal being such as Nyx inside her powerless body." A new female cut in. Her voice for sure held some sort of authority.

I wanted to get up. Say something, do something but I couldn't. I was confined  to whatever was keeping me floating.

"I shall report this back to the queen that we found the one that holds Nyx's spirit. She will not be happy as a human." She spits the word human like a disgusting flavour on her tongue.

"We must go before he traces new power circling around her body." I heard them chanting something and it was back to silence.

I stare up into the reflection of my still body. Wondering what the hell I could do to get out of this.

"Are you comfortable?"


"Oh I forgot you can't speak." He snickered, in the corner of my eyes I saw his face was lit with amusement.

God, I can't wait to get out of here. Away from him.

"Fern, don't be like that." I blink and he's right next to me. I felt my inside jolt forward, surprised at his quickness and suddenness.

"I am doing everything I am doing to protect but you have yet to heed my advice." His hands connect with the top of my head and smooths my floating hair down.

The gestures felt oddly tender. The tension that was in my shoulder evaporated as I stared up at him, curious to what that was about.

My sighed turned his head away to look into the distance. But after a few moments his eyes grew wide and astonishment grew on his face.

My curiosity peaked. "Who was here?" He demanded and my stomach dropped remembering the three mysterious women who I heard.

"You can speak." My mouth startes to open as I try to explain everything but it all comes out like mumbles and gibberish.

I blink and I'm standing up straight. Once I realise this blood rushes away from my head and everything starts to become fuzzy and difficult to see.

"Woahh." He wrapped himself around me to keep me steady and I didn't try to push him away as I had little strength to help me in any way.

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