Chapter 27

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Fern Blossom

I could feel all eyes on me waiting and watching. I have no idea why they are so keen to know how I ended up alone in the woods and why they would want information on my friends, but I decided to give it to them since there is a high possibility they are long gone from the forest.

It's been well over a week, and I wouldn't want any of them to end up like I have, Trapped, confined. All of them above. Afterall I'm stuck here for 6 months. Thinking about it, I want to confirm it first.

"Before I tell you anything, I want you to confirm something first" I watched his facial expression, his eyes turned to slits and he clenched his jaw. "Go ahead"

"After 6 months you said if I still decided to leave I can. Is that still-" I was cut off was harsh words "After 6 months if you decided to leave you can until then you will be staying here, there are no if or buts yet. Understood" he said in a dark tone making sure there was no room for question, and I nodded my head obediently.

"Now tell me everything and do not miss a single detail" and so I told him everything from the beginning of the forest, the sleep, the wolf, how I hurt my ankle and my friends took me to this house where I stayed the night, Where I found Teddy, Weird noises I heard. every. single. detail. As I was telling him everything, especially the weird noises and growls I heard, and I even told him about the old painting I found that looked a lot like Vladimir.

"Growls..." He looked like he was thinking for a moment before his eyes found mine again and they hardened. "Did the growl come from the same place you found Teddy?" I thought about it for a moment and nodded my head. "It sounded like they came from all around me, not just one" I saw he visibly started shaking and a part of me was concerned he was upset about something I had said. "Rogue wolves, that means the puppy you fucking found was a rogue puppy and the possibility of it being with a rogue pack is high as the fucking sky!" He slammed both his hands on the desk causing me to jump out of my seat and started shaking out of fear he might do something to me.

He pushed his chair back and it hit the wall. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if it caused a dent in the wall. He stormed over to me with a look of annoyance and anger, I tried to get up and get away from him, but he grabbed my arms and yanked me back down to my seat. Effortlessly he picked up my seat and turned it around, so it was facing him and so was my body.

"Do you even think before you act? Do you not think of the consequences? Do you not think that wolf might have a mother or father?" I felt the unwanted tears gather in my eyes, suddenly feeling ashamed of myself. The way he yelled at me reminded me of how my mama would whenever I would accidentally spill some water or drop some food on the floor. Just like when this happens with mama, I sat there looking towards the ground taking in all of his insults and nasty words but one of them caught me off guard "No matter what I will forever hate your species and one way or another I'll find a way to get rid of you" he gritted out turning his back towards me.

The further he walked away the more I felt the feelings crawl in, I don't know what happened to me, but I felt exhausted and tired. It was almost like it was my drunk mama all over again, but this time it was my captor. A man who ordered someone to take me by force, keep me against me will, but yet he wants me gone. None of this makes sense.

The further he got the more I felt like I was drowning again. I don't know what situations I've caused but I could only guess they were bad as Dimitri made them out to be and whatever was to come is my fault

The guilty feeling hit in multiple waves, just what exactly had I done? How bad was the damage? I sat there unknowingly in my own head while many eyes watched me. I hadn't even noticed Dimitri's footsteps stopped. A large hand touched my back, and I jumped up and sat straight up in my seat and quickly turned around to see Damien behind me with a small smile on his face, but I just stared at him blankly for a few seconds and his smile dropped. Taking his hand off my back he stepped away from me again but not before I heard him mutter "Sorry little one"

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