Chapter 12

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Fern Blossom

My body jolted awake and when I opened my eyes I frantically looked around in my strange surroundings. I quickly realised I was all alone and had no idea where I was.

Terror started to seize my heart and my breath started getting harder as my heart continued to beat against my ribs, it felt like I was in a looked room with constricted air. I looked around and realised there was a piece of paper stuck to a tree and to my right were both my bags.

Still looking around I walked up to the tree like a lost puppy, I felt like I was about to tumble any second as I felt so drowsy and weak. I pulled the paper off the tree and what it said shocked me.

Hey! Sorry we couldn't take you all the way to the road but if you keep heading east then you'll make it.

Good Luck

Lots of Love.

Sofia and Britney x

To say I was mortified was an understatement. I couldn't even describe the feelings that were happening inside of me right now. How could she just leave me here?! In the middle of the woods no less.

A part of me felt betrayed and hurt by Sofia's actions but some part of me thought she just wanted to take me as far as she could and go back to the others. I shake my head trying to rid my head of thoughts that were making my mind spin.

A bark caught my attention that sounded like it was muffled by something.

The white-gingery puppy flashed into my mind reminding me of what I found in that mansion. I gasped and steadily tried to make my way over to my bag without stumbling over a twig or a tree stump.

I stopped for a moment and another bark was heard a little bit louder this time. "I'm coming puppy" I said walking over to the left. Once I opened the bag I found the puppy panting heavily making my heart race all over again.

I grabbed the puppy, putting it in my lap as I brought my other bag closer to me, grabbing a water bottle from it. I quickly opened it and started pouring water into my hand and bringing it to the puppy's mouth which it seemed glad to drink.

As I continued to pour the puppy continued to drink from it until the bottle was completely empty. I just sat there watching this puppy drink water like its life depended on it which made my heart drop at the thought and question how long the poor puppy had been in the bag.

After 10 minutes when the puppy finally stopped panting frantically I moved towards a tree leaning on it while it slept peacefully in my lap. I couldn't help but stare in awe.

Growing up I never was allowed a pet, when papa was alive he tried to convince mama to let us get a dog but she refused every time but me and papa made a deal and every Sunday when mama use to go to church he would take me to an animal shelter and we would help feed and play with the dogs. I always looked forward to Sundays. It was the best day out of the entire week.

I smiled at the memory of me and papa, we always use to do sneaky things like that behind mama's back so we wouldn't get told off she was also super strict even though papa tried to convince her to loosen up a little bit when I got older she only got stricter but because of that it only led to one of many arguments they had.

My smile faded as tears collected in my eyes but I rubbed them away just as soon as they appeared.

I felt movement in my lap and looked down to see the pup staring at me with the cutest chocolate eyes. "Well look who's up" I whispered rubbing it's ear. I felt the pup's head lean into my hand as I started to feel a slight vibration and then a purr started coming from the pup.

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