Another tear fell down Indy's cheek, and her eyes closed as shudders fell over her. Red backed an inch away, looking to the ground, then back to her.

"They were going to drain me, Indy."

He paused short of himself, forcing a wheezing breath to catch each cough, then hissed to reset his voice box. "They called me the 'cure' for a plague they created... never to walk free, or taste the wind, or become anything more than what I was bred to be." He narrowed his eyes. "My purpose... was to die for them. So were the rest of us."

The indominus's eyes reopened.

"And these claws..." Red eyes began to water, raising his bloodied claws for Indy to look upon. "They m-made me hurt them. And I couldn't do anything..."

Indy's heart skipped a beat. The hall of glass cages they walked through, with all the claw marks, all the names... Did INGEN make him fight them? Is that why there were none left? That would explain his injuries and scars. And why he looked more dead than alive.

Red curled his claws into fists, his burning red eyes refocusing on Indy's terrified blue orbs.

"I used to hear stories," he continued, "about hybrids who changed the world. Hrrr..." His head noticed a vehicle to his left which he stepped toward, keeping his body positioned so Indy could watch. "But I don't want our kind to fail anymore. So I'm eradicating our enemy from the root, along with all their..." his foot planted on a car, pressuring down until the vehicle screamed with anguish. "Humanity..."

The car was crushed into nothing, scaring the indominus even further. Red shook off his foot, gazing across at the burning town with outrage braised upon his tortured scales.

"Dodgson was right," Red growled, gazing upon the dead with a grin curling across his snout. "I am the cure."

Indy looked back down, reaching down for a bloodied teddy bear lying limp upon the street. She felt the textures beneath her talons, and trembled.

"A-All of them?"

Red flared his nostrils. He didn't say a word. He didn't give an answer.

"B-But they..." Indy started to tear up, squeezing onto the teddy bear. "Red-"

"Say it," Red snarled suddenly, towering over her like a volcano bound to erupt. "Tell me how innocent they all are, whimper all night about how they can change!"

The indominus felt another tear fall down her face. She wanted to say it, she really did. But she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried... nothing was going to justify what she wanted to say. Red growled quietly, looking down at the teddy bear in her claws.

"I'm not lying... am I?"

Indy closed her eyes, and shook her head. And, with her well given answer, Red's glowering eyes relaxed.

"And I'm not asking you to follow me, Indy..." he muttered, bowing his head. "All I ask is that you go home. Be the predator you were born to be. Feel the sun on your scales, find a mate worth protecting, lay eggs, raise a family... Live your life the way you want..."

He drew in close, giving a bloodied lick across her snout, then drew back. "But don't invade mine. Because if you do..."

Red suddenly snapped his jaws around Indy's neck, forcing a bark of pain to erupt from the indominus. Indy didn't even have time to prepare; Red somehow managed to subdue her and slam the female's skull into the ground, right in front of the dead humans.

"I will gut you alive..." he finished, "just like the rest of them."

Red unlatched quietly, not listening to Indy's mournful wealth of tears that then began to burst at her eyes. The hybrid took one last look at Indy, who, while still standing, was cowering low enough to rest her head against the floor. He snorted, took a step forward and let out a ground-rattling screech that shook the very foundation of the city. Indy cowered in fear until the roaring had stopped. When she looked again, Red was gone.

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