the trickster's trick

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The voice belonged to a large, bear-like man with burnished copper for hair. His red beard was thick, curling and groomed, and his eyes were piercing like bolts of lightning building to strike. The ground rumbled like thunder with each step, and he held a hammer with a meaty hand. The hammer was familiar, with a heavy, squarish head and a thin, wood handle. Nordic knots and runes had been meticulously chiselled into the metal.

Appearances aside, it was clear who the man was. Or, rather, who the god was.

"Oh, look, the cavalry's here," Loki sighed.

"I should have known sooner this is what you've done," the god sneered. His voice was deeper than the depths of the ocean. Despite his stature, he moved with grace and precision, a bear stalking his prey.

"I'm glad I'm not obvious," Loki's eyes twinkled with mischief, and he spread his arms.

"But I still know who you are," the god smirked, and it was such a threatening smirk, "and what you're capable of."

"Ah." Loki glanced back at Will and the kids and rolled his eyes. "I suppose I should up the ante then, hm, Thor?"

The name elicited a round of excited chirps from the children. Proud, Thor placed his hands on his hips and puffed out his chest.

"Wow, Thor!" Forest said.

"You don't look like Thor," Deirdre said with a critical eye.

"You're Thor?" Alexandre gasped, "Mr. P, look, it's Thor!"

Slumped against the wall, Will met Thor's gaze. His jaw clenched so tight it hurt. "I see that."

"This is quite the setup you have here, trickster," Thor said, looking around. "It's very elaborate, and these children are a nice touch. However, the time for hiding is over. Time to join the battle you started."

"What's he talking about?" Will pushed away from the wall, ignoring how the gym swayed dangerously. "'The children were a nice touch'?"

"Will, you need to rest," Loki said in a low, warning tone.

Will ignored him. "What is going on here, Loki?"

Loki's shoulders tensed, but, for once, he was silent.

"I see Loki has been omitting details, as usual." Thor shook his head with a lamenting sigh. "I'm sure you were wondering why no other humans were around. Or why Loki kept you within the borders of the school?"

"Loki kept...the school was the best place for the kids," Will said, wading through a hazy fog in his mind. The mist was thickening, making it harder to focus. "Loki had nothing to do with that decision...."

Thor sneered at Loki. "Did he not? He didn't send Fenrir to attack the children? To convince you to remain within the "safety" of the school rather than venture outside to learn the truth. I see you don't know much about the whims of this deceiver."

"No... no, that's not...." Will stopped next to Loki, who remained as still as a statue. The dread seeped through the cracks of pain. "What truth?"

"He did all of this to start Ragnarok." Thor hefted his hammer at Loki. "Then he brought you to Asgard to act as a shield, biding his time to strike."

"No..." Will implored Loki, whose eyes had sharpened into emerald crystals. Why wasn't he defending himself? "Wait—Asgard? But we're in the school. O-our school. Outside is the city... and we... Loki, what is going on here?"

At that point, Will sounded like a broken record, and Loki still didn't answer.

"Show them, Loki," Thor ordered.

Loki and the Kindergarteners Save the World (ONC 2023)Where stories live. Discover now