"Come on, Sabrina! We have better things to do than watch these two losers play in the trash!" Chloe ordered as she marched away with her slave friend following close behind.

"Thanks, (name)." Marinette said gratefully. "No problem. I enjoy pissing those two off. Anyway, what are you looking for?" You asked curiously. "I saw Adrian write this during class before throwing it away." She replied, pulling out a crumbled sheet of paper and opening it. After reading the contents, you both came to the conclusion that it was a poem about a specific girl.

"Who could he be talking about?" Marinette pondered. "It sounds like he's talking about you." You concluded. "What?! No way!" Marinette exclaimed doubtfully.

"Hair as dark as night? Bluebell eyes?' Who else can it be?"

"Oh please! There are other girls at this school with hair as dark as night and bluebell eyes."

"Like who? Chloe?"

After a moment of thinking, she drew a blank and came to the realization that the 'mystery girl' could possibly be her. "You're right! Somebody pinch me!" She squealed gleefully. Shrugging, you did what she said and pinched her.


Eventually, the two of you walked outside the school to meet up with Alya. As Marinette and Alya began conversing, you couldn't help but overhear a conversation nearby.

"Are you sure about this, Kim?" Max asked handing Kim a fancy box that held a gaudy broach. "Of course, Max! Chloe loves flashy and expensive things. Once I give her this, she'll want to be my valentine for sure!" Shaking your head, you strolled over toward the two boys.

"You're going about this all wrong, Kim." You said. "Oh really? What do you know, (name)?" Kim asked defensively. "Well, I know that you have bad taste in women. But I also know you can't buy a person's affection. Especially someone who is as shallow and spoiled rotten as Chloe." You lectured.

Just then, Alya and Marinette joined the conversation. "Ooh, who's that for?" Alya teased, gazing at the bejeweled pin. You opened your mouth to answer until Kim looked at you with pleading eyes, begging you not to tell. Being the merciful person that you are sometimes, you decided to spare him.

"Just a mystery girl. Right, Kim?" You said shooting him a wink.

"Yeah! Right!" He answered back.

"Well, good luck to you and the lucky lady!" Alya wished him. Suddenly, Kim's confidence wavered a bit. "...but what if she says no...?"

"She won't! Don't hold back, Kim! No regrets!" Marinette encouraged full of enthusiasm, causing you and Alya to stare at her with wide eyes. "You're right, Marinette! Thanks a lot! I'm going to her right now!" With confidence regained, Kim ran off like the track star he is to confess his love.

"Sooo, you can dish out good advice but can't take it to
heart yourself?" You teased, elbowing Marinette in the arm. Marinette sheepishly rubbed her arm but then her eyes were filled with determination. "You're right... It's time I finally tell Adrien how I feel!"

"SAY WHAT?!" You and Alya exclaimed at the same time.

"Well... I'm going to tell him on a card to be more exact." Marinette clarified. "It's a miracle! I'm so proud of you, Marinette! Come on! Let's go get started on your card!" The two girls began to run off but stopped when they noticed you weren't following.

"Aren't you coming with us, (name)?" Alya asked. "Actually, I... uh... have something I need to do." You stammered, sheepishly. "What do you have to do?" Marinette asked, curiously. "Oh, you know...just some personal stuff. Don't worry, I'll catch up with you guys later and you can tell me all about it." You waved before running home.

Confused by your behavior, Alya and Marinette glanced at each other and shrugged.

~Time Skip~

"This is crazy! I've never had this problem with anyone before!"

Seeing your friend's unexpected burst of confidence made realize it was the miracle you needed to motivate you to confess to your crush. Although, you had to admit you were a bit nervous.

"I think it's really brave of you to confess your feelings to Chat Noir. Kwami's aren't capable of feeling the emotion of love. But I'm sure I would be very anxious too." Purrsia said sympathetically.

"I don't know if this is a good idea..."

"Why do you say that?"

"Come on, he's a beloved superhero. Meanwhile, I'm just some girl with a criminal record pretending to be a superhero. Why would Chat Noir want to be with someone like me? That's probably why he prefers Ladybug..." You mumbled insecurely, tempted to back down.

"I believe in you, (name)! If Chat Noir doesn't like you back, I still like you!" Purrsia chirped encouragingly. Feeling a bit more confident, you gave Purrsia a thankful smile. You can always count on your kwami to be your little cheerleader.

Suddenly, you heard a melody beep from your phone, signaling that you had a notification. "A text from Chloe? Wait...how did Chloe even my number?" Purrsia shrugged, equally confused.

You opened the text to see it was an embarrassing picture of Kim. Sighing, you shook your head. "I knew something like this would happen. That girl is unbelievable! I've got a feeling we might be getting an akumatized villain on our hands."

"You're probably right." The kwami agreed. "Well, on the bright side, I'll get to see Chat Noir and tell him how I feel. I'm sure I would have a better chance with him if he hears it from Cheetu anyway. Purrsia, time to dash!"

Bad Girl Gone Good (Adrien Agreste x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now