Bucky - Fugitives

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Hey guys, hope you enjoy this one! As always, requests are open so feel free to ask for anything you want to read.

Set at the beginning of Captain America:Civil War.

The markets were bustling with life. People darted between sellers as money exchanged hands freely. Salesmen hawked their wares, each trying to exaggerate the benefit of their higher quality product against the 'lesser' competition.

Mouth-watering scents of various foods wafted through the town square. You strolled past people, dodging the swinging arms and trying (with minimal success) not to step on anyone's toes.

You looked behind you, scanning for his familiar form. After a moment of searching, your eyes found his as he seemingly materialised out of the crowd beside you. You'd grown used to it by now, his uncanny ability to disappear in crowds only to reappear moments later right in front of you.

The simple black cap pulled down low shielded his face and hid his long brown hair. He wore a brown jacket over a red shirt, the long sleeves and black gloves hiding the fact that his left arm was made of metal vibranium.

One of his gloved hands lightly brushed yours, the closest form of affection he would give you in public. It still caused warmth to bloom within you as your happiness grew with the gesture.

It had taken you a long time to break down his walls. Even now, when you were both finally free of hydra. Being fugitives was better than being captives of that forsaken organisation, but some things were not left behind so easily.

"Where are you taking me?" he muttered, standing close to you now.

"You'll have to wait and see," You said as you shot him a mischievous grin. You caught the slight upturn of his lips—the sure sign that he was fighting back a smile.

Tapping a finger against his forearm in Morse code—LETS GO—you plunged back into the crowd. Weaving between bodies, you finally passed through the main crowd, feeling a surge of relief at the quieter area. There were fewer stalls here, but one of them was exactly what you wanted. Well—exactly what you wanted for Bucky.

See, the ex-Winter Soldier loved—LOVED—plums. And this seller supposedly had the best plums ever.

You stopped at the stall, flashing a friendly smile to the guy as you waited for Barnes to catch up. Once he saw what you had found he looked away, a wide smile on his face.

"You brought me all this way for plums?" There was humour in his voice, alongside pleasant surprise. He still wasn't completely used to kindness. You were the only one who had ever been kind to the Winter Soldier, although he wouldn't remember every instance since Hydra had wiped his memories regularly. It had been hard starting over and trying to earn his trust again each time.

"I know how much you love plums," you said, shrugging as you grabbed two of the fruits. You threw one to Bucky, then handed some money to the merchant.

You both bit into the plums—they really were the best plums you'd tasted.

"I don't know why you dragged me all this way for plums. You know there's a store much closer to the apartment."

You held up a finger. "These plums are a hundred times better. And besides, most of the time that store runs out of them before you can buy any. Then you make that really sad face. Like a kicked puppy."

Bucky shook his head, frowning. "I don't make a 'kicked puppy' face."

You raised your eyebrows. "Bullshit."

He gave you an exasperated look, which you returned. Then he stiffened, stopping in his tracks. Your eyes darted around, trying to locate what had drawn his attention.

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