Pietro - Cheater's Race

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You were draped across a comfy couch in the Tower's lounge room, intently focused on your current book. It was a Monday—which was honestly the best day in your opinion, although only because it was your certified 'chill day'. You'd started the morning off with a refreshing sleep-in, followed with a mountain of pancakes for breakfast—all the while fending off the other Avengers who kept trying to pinch pancakes as fast as you were making them.

"Hands off!" You'd snapped at Clint as he dropped from the roofing vent and snatched a pancake you'd just dropped on your plate.

"Thanks kid," he'd said with a wink as you started toward him brandishing the flipper menacingly. With a satisfied smirk, Clint went to bite into the fluffy circle. You'd flicked your wrist and a tiny whirl of blue and purple surrounded his hand. It dissipated instantly in small sparks, revealing his empty hand as another whirl opened above your hand, spitting out your breakfast.

You'd smirked at him triumphantly as he scowled, walking off while muttering something under his breath about enhanced 'kids'.

Now it was midday and most of the other Avengers were training or practicing. You'd only been a part of the team for three months, and yet you felt comfortable and at ease here. You got along with everyone, although there were two people you hadn't met yet. Pietro and Wanda—the twins. You'd heard a lot about them, but they'd been visiting Sokovia for the entire time. However, today was the day they returned and you finally got to meet them.

Trepidation and excitement sparked within you. Natasha and Clint had made a plan for how to prank Pietro involving you, and you couldn't wait.

"Y/n." A robotic voice startled you out of your thoughts.

"Hey J.A.R.V.I.S, what's up?" You answered, closing your book.

"The Maximoffs have arrived at the front entrance. Romanoff and Barton are with them, and requested I notify you." You nodded, excitement coursing through your body at the thought of meeting the two of them.

"Thanks J.A.R.V.I.S." you answered Tony's AI as you leapt from the couch.

You rounded the corner calmly, but inside you were bursting with energy which only grew as you spotted the siblings. Pietro's fluffy silver hair shone, and he wore a light blue outfit with silver streaks. His sister was the opposite, with dark hair and dark clothes contrasting with a deep red.

Your eyes lingered on Pietro, roving across his fit figure. His hair looked silky, and you found yourself wanting to run your fingers through it. Which was weird, so you snapped yourself out of it—hopefully before Wanda heard your thoughts. The others had filled you in on her unusual powers and you had to admit they sounded pretty cool. You just had to remember to be careful.

As you approached them, Wanda turned around, tilting her head as she spotted you. Her movements drew her brother's attention, and his blue eyes appraised you with a smirk appearing on his face.

"And who is this?" Pietro asked in a strong accent as you reached Nat's side. Up close, he had a light moustache and stubble. His eyes were a shocking blue while Wanda's were dark and outlined with eyeliner.

"I'm Y/n. The new Avenger." you said confidently. Wanda raised an eyebrow, looking toward Nat and Clint.

"Replacing us already?" Wanda spoke, her voice soft and considering as her eyes slid to yours again.

"As if they could replace me." Pietro scoffed. "I'm the fastest person in the world. No one can beat me."

"Really?" You drew the word out mockingly. "You're the fastest person in the world?" You furrowed your brow and tilted your head at the blond-haired boy, letting your eyes flicker up and down. "You don't look like much. In fact, I bet I could beat you in a race." Instantly, Pietro's face lit up, competitiveness shining in his eyes.

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