Natasha - Distraction

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As soon as I stepped out of the car, I knew I had made a huge mistake. I hadn't been exactly comfortable, what with the slight nerves that had been lingering the whole ride. I knew this wouldn't be easy.

Yet when I stepped—sorry, stumbled—out of the sleek black vehicle, the gravity of my situation unexpectedly came crashing down on me.

My neck and face grew heated. Suddenly, the dress I was wearing felt too tight. My heart was racing now, almost like it was trying to leap out of my chest.

I was a fish out of water. Actually, no, I was a fish in freaking lava. Why had I thought this would be a good idea?

The posh mansion seemed to loom over me with its many intricate windows and twisting architecture. Majestic couples wandered up the stairs to the open front doors in comfortable confidence, their outfits gleaming in a way that made my dress feel inadequate. It was in this moment that I was reminded exactly why I had dropped out of field agent classes.

I was a tech agent. My role was generally behind a screen, where I was in control of everything that happened. The most exciting event was when the coffee arrived. But here? I had the absolute minimal training for field work—and that was primarily for how to shoot a gun, which was not at all helpful for this particular mission, and not something I had been very good at anyway.

"You alright?"

Her voice broke me out of my thoughts. I watched, mesmerised, as she gracefully slipped out of the car.

Natasha Romanoff was the one good thing about this mission. Her black dress was beautiful, cascading down her figure in gorgeous rivulets. The silk had been tailored specifically to hide all her scars from previous missions, so as not to draw unwanted attention. This mission was all about stealth.

Her vibrant red hair was in pretty curls, and her eyes were outlined in dark eyeliner. Simply put: she was stunning.

"I-I'm okay," I stuttered. Natasha raised a sceptical eyebrow.

"I can see that," she replied, holding out a hand for me to take. I hesitated, a blush coating my cheeks as I looped my arm with hers. The contact set my heart racing even faster as I tried to match her steps in the heels that I had never worn before tonight.

"Try to relax," she muttered to me, keeping her voice low. "You'll be fine."

I nodded mutely, forcing my shoulders to loosen. Taking a deep breath, I allowed myself to walk more comfortably.

"Is this better?" I asked.

"Yes." Natasha smiled at me. I felt a stronger blush creep up my cheeks and I shyly looked away. Focus on the mission, not the pretty assassin. Why was that so hard?

We climbed the steps together. I wobbled a little but Natasha's grip kept me from stumbling. I whispered a thank you to her as she flashed our invites to the doormen.

Then we were inside.

If the outside had seemed extravagant, that was nothing compared to the interior. Marble tiles gleamed below countless crystal chandeliers. The roof was a sparkling quartz and rose at least three hulks tall. To the left was a huge section that had been cleared to form a dance floor, which was packed with people in prestigious suits and flowing dresses all twisting to the beat. Against the back wall was a large glowing bar. Everywhere else there were little luxury couches and resting places littered with guests as they mingled.

"Do you see him?" I asked.

The mission was simple. Locate Hugh Filo, the pompous tech billionaire with a similar flair to Tony Stark (except Stark claimed he was much cooler than Filo, according to Natasha). Intel had it that Filo had gotten his hands on some possible alien tech, which was where SHIELD was involved. Of course, we couldn't engage properly without evidence and intel on the location, which Director Nick Fury was determined to get his hands on.

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