Pietro - Morning

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You opened your eyes to the softly illuminated room. Daylight glowed from the covered windows, giving off a warm, morning light. Shades of blue crossed almost everything; with lighter, sky blue shades on the walls, and darker, midnight blue on the curtains. Pietro's favourite colour was the staple theme for his entire room.

You still remembered how Stark had complained about the lack of colours, arguing with Pietro that different shades did not qualify as different colours, that they were all blue. Of course, the Sicovian had only scoffed, leaving his blue room the way it was. You liked it though.

Tucked comfortably under the deep blue blanket, you blinked away the lingering shadow of sleep. You were wrapped around Pietro, your chest pressed into his back. His legs had become tangled with yours while your arms curled around his stomach. Resting your head on his shoulder, you nuzzled into his neck.

He shifted slightly, slowly coming to. Removing your arms from his stomach, you ran your hands through his silky blonde tipped hair. It was always so soft, and Pietro practically purred as your nails lightly ran across his scalp.

"Morning handsome," you muttered sleepily.

"Morning beautiful," he murmured back in his distinct accent.

You smiled, kissing a spot on his neck. He hummed as you gently sucked at the skin—not quite awake enough to realise that it would probably leave a mark. You pressed a brief kiss to his shoulder then worked on disentangling your legs from his. Once you had done that, Pietro rolled over, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head in your chest. You breathed out a laugh as he muttered a "don't go".

Waking up with Pietro was always blissfully quiet and intimate. For someone who could move really fast, he was a slow waker and would rather just cuddle with you all morning. And when you had to get up, like now, he would cling to you as if you were leaving him forever.

"Pietro, I have to go to the bathroom." He still held on for a moment, then begrudgingly relaxed his grip. You ran your fingers through his hair, planting a kiss on his forehead, then rose to your feet.

After going to the bathroom you brushed your teeth, pulling on some comfortable clothes for today and doing your hair. It was a lazy morning today, and none of the avengers had any productive plans, as far as you were aware.

You walked back into the room, noticing a blue blur pass you to the bathroom and back before Pietro stopped. He was fully dressed now, in comfy clothes that closely matched yours and his hair had been brushed and tidied. God it must be nice to only take a few seconds to get dressed and ready.

He smirked as if he could hear your thoughts, then grabbed your hands and pulled you close to him. His hand rested on your cheek as you closed the distance and pressed a kiss to his lips.

You could taste the minty toothpaste as he reciprocated the kiss, his teeth tugging gently at your bottom lip. Your hands were buried in his hair as his other hand pressed into the small of your back.

Only when you had both run out of oxygen did you pull away, breathing hard. Your eyes caught on the dark bruise on his neck you had made earlier. Allowing a smirk to cross your face, Pietro narrowed his eyes at you. In a flash he had vanished then returned, no doubt to check what you had been looking at in the mirror.

He put his hands on his hips while you fought back a laugh. "Are you serious?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," you said mischievously.

"Oh, so you had nothing to do with the hickey on my neck?" He pointed at the spot, which sat high enough on his neck that he would not be able to hide it unless he wore a scarf.

You shrugged, a smile playing at your lips. None of the other Avengers had any idea about the two of you, except Wanda, who had sworn never to tell. You were both extremely sneaky, although there had been one time when Pietro had left a huge love bite on your neck that you had been forced to creatively hide.

"It's only small," you said as you brushed the mark with a fingertip. "Shouldn't be too hard to hide."

"And if I don't want to hide it?" Pietro suggested, his eyes lighting with mischief.

You raised an eyebrow. "You realise they will interrogate you trying to find out who did it?"

Pietro smiled devilishly. "I'll just tell them it was you."

"You'll get the 'overprotective brother' speeches."

"And you'll receive the 'young lady' speeches."

You tilted your head. "Or, we could turn this into the perfect prank." An idea was starting to come to mind, one that you knew would be hilarious to the two of you and probably Wanda as well.

Pietro looked interested, he always was when it came to pranks.

"What do you have in mind?"

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