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The paper in front of her was blank.

She knew she must write something, anything,

but couldn't. Her mind was stuck on that day.

The white of the page reminded her

of the white of those hallways, and again

she bristled with the cold, familiar fear.

Her arteries were stuffed full

with all the worlds of words that never quite

made it out alive. She strained ---

pressure snapped the lead. Frustrations

chained her to her writing desk.

She had arrived at a sign in the road:


Barricades and flashing lights cut her off.

Maybe she just needed sleep,

or time, or distance. Perhaps she ought

to have let the hurt scab over first,

before she tried picking it open.

All that summer the girl didn't write,

although she tried, felt the peculiar

itch pull under her skin, taut like stitches ---

perhaps that meant she was healing.

Gone temporarily insane, she

had to exorcise those truths to paper

somehow, or she'd crack. 

But fear incarcerated her. Her voice, lost,

and her shoulders crumpled, like paper cranes

collapsing under the weight of her own expectations.

(Nothing good will come of this.)

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