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                   Warm rays of sunshine and few clouds in the sky made it a perfect day for travel. The weather was certainly on the squads' side, and with impeccable timing. Patrol had taken a radar hit only hours ago, and the Recoms were certain it would lead them to finding their target.

      The crew stood amidst the large helipad, loading up their Ikrans with gear before they would depart for the SeaDragon. It was a large ship, specifying in the poaching of Tulkun, and its Captain had agreed to transport the group across Pandoras vast ocean.

       Miles remained within his own mind as he silently stood by Cupcake, observing the crew whilst they finished their own packing. He couldn't stop thinking about Kirey'a, despite his great efforts to block her out, believing it wouldn't do her any good unless he were focused. It had been roughly fifteen hours since he'd last seen her and not knowing where she was, nor whether she'd made it home safe, bothered him.
     Constantly bereaving himself for not taking precautions and returning her daggers. A heavy guilt he bore over the things he'd said to her, the lies he continued to tell.

      Either way, she was out of harms reach. Miles knew that if he had hesitated another day, Kirey'a's window of escape would've closed, and she too would be dragged into the expedition. The truth would have come out regardless, and things might have taken a turn for the worse.

      "Where is Kirey'a?"

       Miles did not give Spider so much as a simple glance of acknowledgement, deciding to instead ignore the boy completely. He knew the question would come sooner rather than later, either way he was not prepared for it. The Colonel did not want to let him in on the plan, he did not want to put him in another situation such as this. He's just a kid, after all.

      Continuing to survey the team in silence, his eyes scanned each member, calculating the time remaining until the flight. Eager to get a move on, he felt like a sitting duck, too exposed despite being in familiar territory.

      This place has become an enemy, a threat to his woman and child. Miles did not want to remain in such a place any longer. Despite the circumstances involving the little vacation, he couldn't wait to get on with it.

   "Hey!" The kid spoke again, this time his voice louder as he moved to stand directly in front of the Na'vi. Craning his neck in order to stare into Miles' face. "I know you can hear me. Where is she?"

      His solemn expression drops, ears pulled back with aggression, thin lipped in annoyance at the consistency. "Gone. Mount up." Miles deadpans, again refusing to look the boy in the eye.

     Grabbing hold of Spiders arms, he lifts him into the air and closer to the saddle. The kid quickly grips onto the straps before swatting at the man with a snarl. Both displeased with the physical touch and unsatisfied by his father's curt response.

      Once positioned closest to the front, Miles swiftly follows, jumping onto the leather with ease. With his braid now attached, and the neural link activated, the group took flight, silently instructing each movement as they ascended into the sky.

      Once the whipping winds grew steady, Spider took the chance to yell out, "You didn't hurt her, right?"

     "Shut up kid." He grumbled back, the annoyance thick within his tone. Miles had no interest in discussing his relationship problems with a child, or anyone for that matter. He simply wanted to block it out, keep from getting distracted from his mission. Maybe he would have the chance to figure it out after the job was done, but for now-he would not allow the feelings to return.

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