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                  The next night, after a long day of Na'vi lessons, Miles had flown Kirey'a back to the tree of souls. He waited as she climbed from Cupcake, her legs sliding down the winged creature's smooth skin until her feet hit the ground. Miles loosened his grip on her hand, following after her as he too dismounted his companion. Remaining speechless as Kirey'a went one way, whilst he remained in his spot, stroking a hand along his snout.

     The couple had not done much conversating since the killing of the deer. After Miles' visit with the General, he met with his woman by the fire pit per usual. Spending the few hours of downtime in silence as she rested against his shoulder. Miles had only assumed Kirey'a to still be upset over the afternoon slaughter, and he, too frightened to speak as he thought over what Ardmore had promised.

     He had decided that evening, no one would touch Kirey'a, nor would they harm the kid. So, as Miles studied the slow descend of the flames, he contemplated the best decision he could've made in that moment. The action that would ensure their safety, despite knowing how true to her word, the General was. Colonel Quaritch chose to continue with his mission, to eliminate Jake Sully.

     Kirey'a waltzed toward the glowing tree of faith, mind lost to the weight of Spiders accusations toward her chosen. With her arms wrapped in a hug around her chest, she tilted her head as her gaze wondered up the willow. Wondering if Eywa would have given her blessing to such a match if one had truly done such heinous acts toward her clan.

     The girl knew Miles to be an outsider, as he had the hands of Sky people, the accent like one. Could he have been that man at one time? Switched like Jake Sully had been? Could her mate be hiding in plain sight, a trick up his sleeve? Surely not, she thought. Miles had shown Kirey'a, the fulfillment beneath his hollow eyes, the warmth beneath his cold demeaner. She had poured her faith into him as she had with Eywa, no room for hesitance. So, why was she feeling such?

     "Kie...I have to tell you something."

      At the sound of his voice, Kirey'a spun around to greet him, forcing a smile as he approached to stand before her. She took notice of his ears, dropped back and his chin tipping forward with each step. Concern washing over her as she determined the nervous flick of his tail.

     "My ears are yours." She says, allowing Miles to take her hands into his own. The warmth of his skin masking the chill of hers.

     Kirey'a tried her hardest to not linger her gaze upon his, as she still felt uncertain. With her tail spiraling around her leg as she tried to comfort herself, her ears peeled back whilst the feigned smile fell into a frown.

      As Miles gazed down at his wife, he took a moment to remember the angelic details of her face. The unique shade of purple that covered her soft lips and the shape they took when she grinned at him. The way the lightened streaks of blue complimented her features, every crease of emotion it held within. He wished it would be a more joyful expression as his last glimpse, though he knew he would not be granted so much. Regardless, Miles swore to remember her in her best moments, the few smiles he had seen throughout Kirey'a's stay with the RDA.

      Miles Quaritch knew that tonight would be the last he would likely ever share with her. For he would cut Kirey'a so deeply, the love she held for him would bleed dry.

      "The Great War, what do you remember?"

      He watched as Kirey'a's painted brows furrowed, the frown she wore, deepening as her fingers briefly faltered in their grasp. "I... I do not know," she sighs, shuffling her feet with a glance.

     His question put a pressure on Kirey'a chest she could not shake. Telling herself it did not tie him to the crimes, though it did make her worry that it would. "I know that Vitraya Ramunong was the target, and that a bad man with a lot of bad people were coming to take it from us." She said, looking to the tree with thoughts of its possible destruction, evident in her mind.

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