Ride the Bus!

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*A/N: have this fun lil story in honor of my 21st birthday 🥳 drink responsibly, cheers!*

"Alrighty everyone round up! I've got a game for us!" You exclaim to the group scattered around Eddie's trailer. It was his 21st birthday, and he insisted he didn't want to make a big deal of it, so you had a night in with your friends.

Everyone slowly started moving towards the small living room, as you motioned that they would need a drink for this. Steve, Nancy, Robin, Gareth, and Eddie held theirs up while Dustin, Lucas, Mike, and Max just stared blankly at you. You handed cans to them and the older crowd gave you a bit of a side eyed glare. Once the young ones had excitedly turned around you held up the box you had handed them from and pointed out where "non-alcoholic" was written in bold letters on the side. You got to be the coolest person ever, and keep them safe and sober at the same time. They wouldn't know any better anyway.

"Okay okay form a circle" you instructed, grabbing the pack of playing cards off the counter

"Ooooh is this a game??" Dustin exclaimed, excitedly gripping the can in his hands as if it would run away from him.

"Yes yes it is" you said laughing and patting him on the head, you sat next to Eddie, him resting his hand on your thigh. "this one's called ride the bus" you laughed

Steve and Eddie groan, you had played this one many many times. Blank stares from several people in the circle told you you would need to explain the rules, but no one wanted to admit they couldn't play.

"I'll do a quick into to refresh everyone's memory, sound good?" You said, earning nods from everyone around you

"Okay so I'm gonna give you 4 cards. Don't look at them set them down in front of ya." You said, grabbing 4 cards off the top of the deck and setting them down

"Now this is important pay attention. The drinks start at 2 and go up by 2's ; that's 2, 4, 6, 8" you said, tapping on the cards in front of you. Everyone nodded along so you figured it was okay to move on.

"This first time I'm guessing if the card is red or black. If I get it right, I give out 2 drinks. If I get it wrong, I take 2 drinks. Everyone does that in the circle. Then it's if the number is higher or lower for the next card. After that it's if it's in between or outside the two. And finally, you have to guess the suit. Does everyone understand?" You asked, followed by hesitant nods.

"Here, I'll go first and you guys follow. We'll go me, the Eddie, the Steve so you guys can watch and learn"

Everyone gave a confident nod and a few laughs, so you knew it was good to go.

"Red!" You called and flipped the first card. You took a deep breath and looked down to see a red card.

"Oh hell yeah!" You laughed before patting Eddie on the shoulder "drink up birthday boy"

He rolled his eyes at you and took two sips of his drink. You continued around the circle, everyone laughing and either drinking or calling on others.

Finally everyone had all of their cards flipped over, all of you starting to feel the alcohol.

"Now what do we do?" Dustin asked, turning towards you, everyone else's eyes following.

"Now we see who has to ride the bus" you laughed, placing 4, 3, 2, and then 1 card into a pyramid.

"So we flip those,  and if your card number matches you put it on top. Whoever has the most left has to ride the bus, I'll explain when we get there".

As you went on and on flipping the cards, Eddie was left with the most. He groaned at you while you laughed

"Birthday boy rides the bus! That's perfect!" You laughed "so now he's gotta get them all right in a row otherwise he has to start over!" Laughing ensued from everyone in the group.

"Ready?" You said, Eddie groaned so you knew you could start.


"Nope, drink"

"Red again"

"That's tough, drink again"


"There ya go finally"


"Yep keep goin"


"Nope! Start over!" You laugh as he groans







"Jesus Christ" Eddie rolled his eyes while he drank

Everyone laughed and laughed until Eddie finally got it. By this time he was pretty drunk, but you played another round.

A few hours later the party had come to an end, and everyone had made their ways home. Eddie was laughing and laying down on the floor.

"Eddie, are you okay?" You laughed and he looked up with you, drunk puppy eyes and all.

"You're so beautiful, come here" he laughed, motioning for you to join him on the floor

"Eds come on get up" you laughed, reaching your hands down to pull him up. He instead decided to pull you down with him

"Eddie!" You shrieked, laughing as he wrapped his arms around you.

The two of you laughed and laid on the floor for a moment, wrapped up in each others arms.

"This was a good night (y/n), I love you" eddie whispered

"I love you too eddie, now come on let's get to bed" you laughed, standing up

Eddie followed you, and then immediately ran to the bathroom to puke. You laughed as he came back, looking disappointed

"Come on, let's get you some water" you said, grabbing one for him and one for you.

The two of you wandered into bed, Eddie grabbing a trash can "just in case".

You put on your favorite record, and snuggled up.

Before you could even get a word out, Eddie was softly snoring.

"Goodnight birthday boy" you said, pushing his hair from his face to give him a soft kiss on the cheek.

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